Ballroom (Bonus)

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No, I am not back till the set date, unfortunately. But I put this together for fun.
This has nothing to do with the plot and doesn't advance it. This is not happening in the story but I thought it would be interesting to write a lil something something. Think of this as filler.
Not all the love interests are in this cause they haven't been revealed and I don't want spoilers btw.
Hope you enjoy <3

The sweet sugary smell of cake and chocolate lingered in the air. Candles and an extravagant chandelier hung high with pride. The floor was polished clean as feet danced the night away.

It caught the eye of a girl. Said damsel was sucked into the world of finery. Eyes glittering over as every detail was absorbed. Mouth was opened in awe.

Whilst she admired the scenery little did she know she was being admired herself. Eyes bore into her head, many at that. Though nothing distracted her as she walked around with a light step.

The dress she wore was a silver, light embroidery reaching the ends of the dress that flowed. The tips swept against the tile with her stride.

Music, a symphony, began to play. A beautiful piece it is as music dances in the air. A smile was placed on the girl's lips as she went to dance.

She knew dancing wasn't her finest skill. Not in the slightest. Though she rarely came to parties, she never attended the soirees, so why not enjoy this while it lasts?

A man watched her, all the while. Without a second thought, the champagne glass in his hand was set down. Ice clinked, his steps steady as he approached her.

The man wore a suit, his blue eyes alight with a fire ready for the challenge ahead, sandy blond hair was tamed without being slicked.

A hand was extended in front of the girl. She blinks, one, twice, then thrice. Eyes travel up to meet a readied gaze. "Would you let me have this dance?"

Her smile grew, recognizing the man as none other than Apollo. "I'd love to." She took his hand; swiftly he pulled her to him.

Joining the circles of people dancing to the rhythm the two's feet began to sway. He placed a hand on her hip, the grasp was firm as the other was placed on her shoulder. She mirrored this onto him. Their eyes held onto each other as they studied one another.

"Gods I adore you." There was a pause, his hand on her waist tightening. "You don't even understand." He laughed, the sound histercle but he still never looked away.

"Are you okay?" She feared for him, he was acting...Out of sorts.

He takes a step closer, moving with the rhythm though also on his own accord, all he sees is her. "No. I'm not okay. You don't understand darling. I'd be prepared to tear apart the word for you."

Her eyes are hesitant, his staring into hers with an unbearable lust. "I don't even know what to do with these feelings. It feels so good, but it feels like it'll tear me apart. It's so intense, the burning desire to only exist for you." He laughed again, though the sound became more deranged with every beat of the music. "Who am I kidding? I'm existing for you now..."

"That's not true."

"But it is." He wet my lips, guiding the girl with the dance. "I no longer breathe for myself. I don't think for myself because it's all for you. You-you-you. It's not about me anymore. Y/n, I've lived for so long, yet it's like my life has only just begun. "

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