006: Tree House Clues

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The two girls found themselves in a carriage heading to the Basilwether Hall

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The two girls found themselves in a carriage heading to the Basilwether Hall. Lilli had not been there in ten years. It was weird to think the first 6 years of her life she spent nearly everyday there. When she wasn't with Enola she was with Tewkesbury. She hoped Tewkesbury family wouldn't recognise her. But it had been 10 years, so surely they wouldn't.
The girl still decided to make herself look completely different to the girl they would remember. So while Enola was dressed as a widow, Lilli was dressed in a white dress, a flower crown and her hair down. When she was a child you wouldn't of been able to catch Lilli dead in a white dress or her hair down. She rarely wore flower crowns. She only wore them when Tewkesbury was the one who made it for her.

They pull up outside the building and get out the carriage walking in.
"Miss May Beatrice Posy and Miss Daisy Rose Nielsen. For the Lady Tewkesbury Marchioness of Basilwether." One of the Tewkesbury servants announce.
He leads them to a room where they meet with Tewkesbury mother, uncle and grandmother.
"What's your business here?" His uncle asks.
"I'm a private detective and Miss Nielsen here recently moved into the area." Enola says.
"I wanted to give you my deepest condolences for your son." Lilli tells them.
"Ive come to offer my services." Enola tells them.
"My sister in law has all the help she needs. And thank you for your condolences. Show them out." His uncle tells their servants.
"We believe we can help you." Enola tells Tewkesbury's mother.
"You are a reporter for one of those dirty newspapers." His mother says.
"I'm a lady detective." Enola replies.
"Please leave, before we make you leave." His mother says, as two people grab Enola and Lilli starting to lead them out.
"I work for Sherlock Holmes." Enola says, causing the two men to stop leading her and Lilli away. "I'm his assistant. He sends me ahead of time to prepare the grounds."
"Sherlock Holmes is interested in our case?" Tewkesbury's mother asks, walking over.
"Yes." Enola says.
"And he sent along a widow to fleece his path?" His mother asks.
"Widowhood does not effect my ability to do my job." Enola says. "Sherlock trust me to-"
"Poppycock!" Someone shouts, cutting her off as he enters the room. "I'm sorry, I've heard enough. You do not know Sherlock Holmes."
"Oh, Lestrade. So pleased you could make these womens acquaintance." Tewkesbury's uncle says.
"I am Lestrade, of Scotland Yard. And I'm a close personal friend of Sherlock Holmes." Lestrade tells the girls.
"So you claim." Lilli says, knowing it wasn't true as Sherlock had never mentioned him.
"And you are not his assistant. He doesn't have an assistant." Lestrade says. "Sherlock Holmes always works alone."
"It appears he has changed his way since you claim to have known him." Enola says.
"Impossible." Lestrade says.
"Ask me three questions about him and I'll ask you three more to see who knows him best, shall we?" Enola asks.
"Enough, this circus is not appropriate for Basilwether." Tewkesbury's mother says.
"She's right, leave, all three of you." His uncle tells them.
"But madam, you know me. I'm Lestrade of Scotland Yard, and I'm investigating your son's disappearance." Lestrade says.
"He has proven useful." Tewkesbury's grandmother says.
"Mama." His uncle tells her.
"I don't care if your from the Houses of Parliament you will leave this house this instant." His mother tells Lestrade.

Enola swapped clothes with the gardner before he pointed the two towards the treehouse. Lilli and Teweksbury spent a lot of their time as friends in that treehouse. So hearing he still spent most of his time there made her very happy. While they were walkign through the woods towards the tree house, they found the branch that nearly crushed Teweksbury. When they got to the treehouse Lilli instantly started to climb up it.
"Are you sure that's the best idea in your dress?" Enola asks, crossing her arms.
"I use to do this all the time." Lilli says.
"What do you mean?" Enola asks.
"That childhood best friend Teweksbury said I reminded him of. I am actually her." Lilli says, as she reaches the top.
"And does he know this?" Enola asks.
"Yes, he does." Lilli says. "Are you coming up or what?"
Enola lightly laughs as she climbs up.
"Wow." She says looking around.
"Hasn't changed one bit." Lilli says smiling, as she looks around.
They had found all the stuff that he had laid to lead his family astray from his actually plan, which the girls soon discovered by a couple of flattened flowers marking a page on the Covent Garden Market.
"It's not as stable as you think up there." The girls hear his grandmother shout, causing them both to jump. "Some of those branches are extremely capricious. Good morning. I believe we already met, though you were dressed differently then."
"You'd already discovered this hadn't you?" Enola asks.
"We found it a few days ago." Teweksbury's grandmother says. "At least now we know why his father spent a couple weeks day after day out here. And also we now know where he and his childhood best friend ran off to all the time. Isn't that right, Lilli?"
"I'm sorry?" Lilli asks.
"You can't confuse me, Lilli Wilson. I know exactly who you are." His grandmother tells her. "Would you care to come down?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sure." Lilli says.
Before the two girls start climbing down.
"Did you see anything to report to your 'employer'?" Teweksbury's grandmother asks Enola.
"Oh. No. Um, Sherlock. He'll probably want to come by." Enola says.
"What did you say your name was?" His grandmother asks.
"May. May Beatrice Posy." Enola answers.
"And how old are you Miss Posy?" His grandmother asks.
"Twenty two." Enola answers.
"I'll have to let the gardener go for lending you his uniform." Teweksbury's grandmother tells her.
"No. No I forced him. Tied him up. I know jujitsu." Enola says. "It's a martial art."
"You are most intriguing, Miss Posey." Teweksbury's grandmother says. "Or should I say Mrs. My condolences, by the way."

"Beautiful isn't it?" Tewesbury's grandmother asks, as they walk along a path in the woods. "It always felt an honour to me that my family was giving his part of London to protect."
"To protect?" Lilli asks.
"That's what it is to be an ancestral landowner. As the world becomes increasingly unstable, it feels important that these ideas of England are preserved for the safety and security of the future of our country." His grandmother explains.
"It is lovely here." Enola says.
"But you two are probably a couple of those new thinkers. My son was a new thinker too. Never could focus on what was, it was always about what could be." Teweksbury's grandmother states. "I suspect my grandson is the same. Englands true glory, is what is. Do you see?"
"I can see much beauty." LIlli says, as the two girls look around.
""Very sensible answer." The women says. "Now go. If my son or daughter in law finds you here, they'll have you arrested. If you see my grandson before I do, will you tell him that I care about him a great deal?"
"We will." Enola says.
"Off you go." The women tells them.
They both take a moment to smile at the women one more time before leaving to find Teweksbury.

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