the bullies

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The schoolyard was buzzing with activity as students chatted and played during their lunch break. However, amidst the cheerful atmosphere, Jin stood alone by a tree, his shoulders slumped and his expression downcast. He had become the target of bullies who had been tormenting him for weeks.

The bullies, a group of older students, approached Jin with mocking grins on their faces. They started hurling hurtful words and pushing him around, causing his books to scatter on the ground.

"Look at him, the loser," one of them sneered.

Jin tried to hold back tears and keep his composure, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. He felt helpless and isolated.

Just when it seemed like there was no hope, a sudden commotion drew the bullies' attention away from Jin. A familiar voice rang out, strong and unwavering.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

The bullies turned to see BTS, Jin's older brother  and protectors, standing tall with determined expressions. Namjoon, with his towering presence, led the way, while the rest of the members stood firmly beside him.

Yoongi stepped forward, his gaze icy. "You really think you can mess with our child ?"

Hoseok, known for his bright smile, had a stern look as he said, "Apologize to Jin right now."

The bullies, taken aback by the sudden intervention, hesitated for a moment before begrudgingly muttering apologies. They quickly scattered, leaving Jin behind.

Jin looked up at his friends, tears of gratitude welling in his eyes. "Thank you, guys..."

Jimin gave him a warm smile and ruffled his hair. "We've got your back, baby . Always."

The other members nodded in agreement, and they all walked away together, leaving behind a stronger and more united bond between them.


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