why so hot part 2

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The concerned doctor continued to examine little Jin, running a thermometer across his tiny forehead. Jin, still in Jungkook's arms, looked up with wide eyes, clearly frightened by the unfamiliar surroundings and the doctor's gentle prodding.

Doctor: "It looks like our little friend here has a fever. We need to find out what's causing it."

Jungkook held Jin tightly, his worry etched on his face. The rest of BTS stood close by, their concern palpable.

Namjoon: "Doctor, please do whatever it takes to help him. He's like family to us."

The doctor nodded reassuringly and began a thorough examination. After some time, the doctor returned with a diagnosis.

Doctor: "It appears to be a common viral infection. Nothing too serious, but we'll need to keep an eye on his temperature and provide some medication to bring it down. He should be back to his energetic self in a few days."

Relief washed over BTS, and Jungkook couldn't help but hug Jin tightly.

Jungkook: "You scared us, little one. We'll take good care of you, okay?"

Jin, still feeling weak and feverish, managed a small smile, understanding that his BTS brothers were there for him.

They spent the next few days taking turns caring for Jin, ensuring he took his medicine, stayed hydrated, and got plenty of rest. Jin's fever gradually subsided, and his playful spirit began to return.

During his recovery, Jin received lots of cuddles, comfort, and love from his BTS family. They watched movies together, played games, and even had a mini photo shoot to capture his adorable moments in the pink hoodie Taehyung had gifted him.

As Jin's health improved, he was back to his energetic self, dancing around the living room and spreading laughter among his fellow BTS members. The scare had only brought them closer together, reinforcing the unbreakable bond that made them more than just a group; they were a family.

***Get ready I am gonna post 3 more ch rn ***

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