ice cream

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JIN  sits at his small desk in the colorful classroom, his lower lip quivering and eyes welling up with tears. The teacher, MS. PARK, stands at the front of the room with a stern expression.

MS. PARK: (firmly) Jin, you need to be more attentive in class. You can't keep disrupting the other students.

JIN: (voice trembling) I'm sorry, Teacher.

As MS. PARK continues to scold him, JIN's sadness deepens. He feels embarrassed and overwhelmed by the attention.

After class, as the other children rush out to the playground, JIN stays behind, wiping away his tears with a small tissue. He's unsure of what to do next.

YOONGI, his elder brother, appears in the doorway, having come to pick him up from school.

YOONGI: (concerned) Jin, what's wrong? Why aren't you outside playing with your friends?

JIN looks up, his eyes still watery.

JIN: (sniffling) The teacher scolded me, hyung .

YOONGI walks over and kneels down in front of JIN, offering a comforting hug.

YOONGI: (gentle) It's okay, Jin. Teachers sometimes have to remind us to do better. It doesn't mean they don't care about you.

JIN: (teary-eyed) But I don't like it when she's angry with me.

YOONGI: (softly) I understand, baby. Nobody likes that feeling. But it's a chance to learn and grow. Let's try to be better tomorrow, okay?

JIN nods, his trust in his older brother helping to ease his sadness.

YOONGI: (smiling) How about we go to the park and have some ice cream? That'll make you feel better.

JIN's eyes light up at the mention of ice cream, and he clings to his brother's hand as they head out of the classroom, leaving the scolding behind and focusing on the promise of a sweet treat and Yoongi's comforting presence.

MY LITTLE brother JINWhere stories live. Discover now