taehyung it hurts

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8-year-old Jin stands near the family car, his eyes wide with fear as his hands are trapped in the car door. The pain is excruciating, and he can't hold back his tears.

JIN: (screaming in pain) AHHH! It hurts! It hurts!

TAEHYUNG, who was about to get into the car, suddenly shuts the door, not realizing that Jin's hands are still caught. The loud thud and Jin's agonized screams immediately get Taehyung's attention.

TAEHYUNG: (panicked) Oh my gosh! Jin, I'm so sorry! I didn't see your hands!

Jimin, who is nearby, rushes over, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of Jin's trapped hands.

JIMIN: (worried) Jin, hang in there! We'll get you out of there!

Taehyung and Jimin frantically work together to open the door, their hearts racing with guilt and concern for their baby . Jin's cries intensify as they carefully release his hands from the door's grip.

JIN: (tearfully) It hurts, hyung ... It hurts so much!

TAEHYUNG: (apologetic) I'm really, really sorry, Jin. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Jimin gently cradles Jin in his arms as they free his hands from the door. Jin's fingers are red and swollen, and he's in obvious pain.

JIMIN: (soothingly) It's going to be okay, Jin. We'll get you some ice for your hands, and they'll feel better soon.

TAEHYUNG: (guilt-ridden) I promise I'll be more careful next time, buddy.

Jin continues to cry, but the pain starts to subside as Taehyung and Jimin comfort him. They reassure Jin that it was an accident and that they care deeply about his well-being. They all know that accidents can happen, but their friendship and support remain unwavering.

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