bully part 2

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8-year-old Jin sits quietly at his desk, diligently working on an assignment. The classroom is filled with students, and their teacher, MR. SMITH, stands at the front of the room, writing on the chalkboard. Mr. Smith, however, has been singling out Jin for some time now.

MR. SMITH: (sarcastically) Jin, are you even trying? Your work is always so sloppy. It's a wonder anyone can understand you.

The other students in the classroom look at Jin, uncomfortable with the teacher's tone. Jin's face flushes with embarrassment as he tries to hold back tears.

JIN: (softly) I...I did my best, Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith continues to berate Jin in front of the class, making snide remarks about his abilities and appearance. The other students exchange uneasy glances, but no one dares to speak up.

MR. SMITH: (mocking) Maybe if you actually paid attention for once, you wouldn't be so slow, Jin.

Jin's confidence diminishes with each hurtful comment, and his self-esteem takes a serious blow. He tries to focus on his work, but his hands shake as he fights back tears.

The classroom atmosphere becomes tense as Mr. Smith's bullying continues, and it's clear that Jin is being unfairly targeted.


Jin returns home, his eyes still red from the tears he shed after enduring his teacher's bullying. He finds his older brothers, members of BTS, sitting in his room, practicing choreography and discussing their day.

JIN: (hesitant) Hey, hyung ...

RM, J-HOPE, SUGA, JIMIN, V, and JUNGKOOK turn their attention to Jin, noticing the distress in his voice and the sadness on his face.

RM: (concerned) Jin, what's wrong? You look upset.

Jin takes a deep breath, his voice shaky as he recounts his day at school, including the hurtful treatment he received from his teacher, Mr. Smith.

JIN: (teary-eyed) Today, at school, Mr. Smith... he was really mean to me. He said hurtful things in front of everyone.

J-HOPE: (angry) What? That's not okay!

SUGA: (supportive) Jin, you don't deserve that kind of treatment from anyone, especially not a teacher.

Jimin wraps an arm around Jin, offering comfort.

JIMIN: (gentle) We're here for you, Jin. Don't let his words get to you.

V: (determined) You're our little brother, and we'll always protect you.

JUNGKOOK: (firm) We should talk to your principle about this. This teacher needs to be held accountable for his actions.

RM: (resolute) Jin, we've got your back. You're not alone in this.

With the support and reassurance of his older brothers, Jin begins to feel a sense of comfort and security. He knows that he can rely on BTS, not just as a world-famous group but as a loving and protective family that will always be there for him, no matter what challenges he faces.

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