new toy

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Eight-year-old JIN bounces around the living room with boundless energy, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He spots SUGA sitting on the couch, engrossed in his phone.

(eyes wide, filled with enthusiasm)
Yoongi hyung, guess what?

(looking up, intrigued)
What is it, Jin?

Jin's face lights up with a big smile as he holds up a picture of a colorful toy he found online.

I found this amazing new toy online, Yoongi hyung! It's so cool, and I really, really want it!

Suga glances at the picture of the toy and can't help but smile at Jin's infectious enthusiasm.

Oh, is that so? What makes this toy so special?

Jin begins to describe the toy with great enthusiasm, listing all its features and how much fun it would be to play with. His excitement is contagious, and Suga can't help but get caught up in it.

Alright, alright, you've convinced me, Jin. We'll get that toy for you.

Jin's eyes widen with delight, and he rushes to give Suga a tight hug.

Thank you, Yoongi hyung! You're the best!

Suga ruffles Jin's hair affectionately, glad to see the joy on the little one's face.

Anything for you, Jin. Let's order that toy together.

As they sit down to order the toy, Jin's heart is filled with happiness, knowing that he has such a caring and understanding older brother in Suga.

MY LITTLE brother JINWhere stories live. Discover now