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A Hero's Anthem

Izuku Midoriya and Rumi Usagiyama

Character 1 Bio

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Ability/Quirk: Quirkless

Character 2 Bio

Name: Rumi Usagiyama

Ability/Quirk: Rabbit

Type- Mutant

Description- Gives the user attributes of a rabbit such as rabbit ears, a rabbit tail, and naturally stringer leg muscles.

Drawback(s)- Incredibly large sex drive

Story Description: Nezu, the smartest being in Japan, and maybe even the world. He knows that the heros are becoming complacent, he sees that the coming disappearance of All Might will spell disaster. So he calls on the UA Support Course to aid him in his plans, to create a force of heros unlike any other. They create suits of armor that mimic the powers of quirks, his force's Javelins, while he finds his first recruit. A quirkless boy by the the name Izuku Midoriya. He will become the first Freelancer.

Status: Not Started

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