The First Night

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"W-What? W-We will sleep together?" Anica almost choked on her words. "Y-You and me? In one bed?" She asked as she blushed, her eyes forming a large 'O' shape. She had never slept with a man before!

Michael smiled and couldn't help but notice how lovely her blue crystal eyes were; they were incredibly expressive and mirrored what she was feeling on the inside; he liked how he could see through her simply by looking at her eyes. And, to be honest, she looked stunning this close. Her beauty is vibrant and full of innocence and naivety, making her appear more appealing.

He nodded. "Yes, you and me, in one bed," he confirmed, hearing her gasp, almost out of breath.

"I-I... I—augh, I never slept with anyone before," she muttered, her lips shaking. She appears lost and confused, and her vulnerability is what makes Michael admire her even more.

He sighed, realizing that his decision to acquire her at auction had been right all along. He was confident that he would enjoy the days ahead with her.

"I assumed you already knew this was going to happen; you applied for it, didn't you?" He tried not to seem sarcastic or anything unpleasant that would offend her. He doesn't want to harm her feelings.

He's correct; she applied for this and saw it coming. But sleeping with Michael Jackson? She was unprepared for that to happen. "Y-Yeah," she stammered, trying to smile although it was obviously forced. "I'm sorry, I'm just... augh, I didn't expect this to happen..."

He can sense her fear, which he does not like. He wants her to feel at ease and safe with him. As he looked into her face, he couldn't help but tuck some of her hair behind her ears. She's so beautiful and too vulnerable. "I will never do anything to you that you wouldn't want me to," he promised. "I never once forced myself on a woman," he said. "That's not me,"

That relieved her uneasiness, and Anica believed he was telling the truth. "That's good to hear," she breathes out.

"We're settled then! "Michael breathed out a relief. With a smile on his face, he said, "Now, shall we have our dinner?"

Anica awkwardly nodded. "Y-Yeah? ", and she almost jumped in surprise when Michael suddenly held her hand and pulled her in the direction of the table while she was staring at their joined hands unbelievably. Oh, God, he's holding my hands! Is this for real—

"Now you better wait here while we're waiting for our dinner," he said enthusiastically.

She felt a bit cold when his hand left hers to reach the intercom to give instructions to his staff, and she silently wished he had held her hand a little longer.

Even her reality has begun to feel surreal. She'll be sleeping with Michael Jackson! That sounded insane! It's almost like fiction! If she told everyone about it, they'd assume she was losing her mind and made it up.

The moment of anticipation soon gives way to the arrival of their meal. Anica's eyes widen as she beholds the feast before her, causing an unexpected pang of hunger to surge through her. The cuisine in front of her is uncharted territory, a tantalizing blend of flavors that exudes both mouthwatering allure and a sense of extravagance.

As Michael observes Anica's excitement, a familiar surge of affection washes over him. She radiates a childlike delight, akin to a little one discovering a trove of sugary treats. Shyness slips away, replaced by an infectious enthusiasm that fills the air.

"They all look so tempting!" she exclaims, her voice laden with a hint of drool-inducing desire. Michael finds her unabashed enthusiasm utterly endearing.

Amused, Michael chuckles. "It seems my chef has succeeded in capturing your taste buds," he remarks, an undertone of pride coloring his words.

Anica nods eagerly, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Oh, absolutely!" she responds, her excitement palpable.

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