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"Excuse me?" Anica asked, finding it hard to believe

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"Excuse me?" Anica asked, finding it hard to believe. "Could you please repeat the question?"

After contemplating for a week, Anica finally decided to apply for a position at her best friend's workplace because it seemed to be the only option available to her. She successfully passed the initial screening and now finds herself in this interview.

"I'm asking about your virginity status, ARE YOU STILL A VIRGIN OR NOT?" the woman wearing excessive makeup asked, appearing slightly irritated. "Surely you can hear me?"

Anica felt violated, as she believed that asking someone about their virginity was highly inappropriate. "Do you think your question is a bit too personal—"

The woman chuckled, "I want to remind you that you're applying for the position of a GRO, essentially a prostitute;" she said bluntly, "some customers prefer a woman with sexual experience, while others prefer someone inexperienced and naive—like you," the woman explained in an irritated manner.

Anica felt a sense of embarrassment wash over her as she reluctantly replied to the interviewer, confessing, "I—augh, I am a v-virgin," and immediately regretting her decision.

Mockingly, the interviewer responded while typing on the computer, "Obviously," she murmured loud enough for her to hear. "Our clientele consists of individuals from Hollywood, politics, and extremely wealthy businessmen, so you will be generously compensated; thus, you will unquestionably find enjoyment in your career as a prostitute." She continued with full frankness, "After this interview, a doctor will conduct a check-up to ensure your physical health, as well as to verify that you are free from sexually transmitted diseases, and fit for this profession."

They call this a profession? Anica thought it sounded absurd.

Deep inside, she desired to withdraw from the offer, but her heart ached as she realized she had no choice but to accept it.

"Tomorrow, you will be pampered and prepared before you are presented to potential clients; please sign this," the interviewer instructed, displaying a contract.

Anica's trembling hands reached out to take the contract, her mind racing as she struggled to come to terms with the reality of the situation. The words on the page blurred as she absentmindedly scrawled her name, her signature serving as a silent acknowledgment of the binding nature of the agreement.

"This is a one-year agreement—"

"One year?!" It felt like an eternity, an eternity in which she would be trapped in a life that she had never intended for herself.

"Yes, my dear, there is no turning back now that you have signed this document. You wouldn't want to face a lawsuit, would you?" The interviewer's response was callous, reminding Anica that she had already signed the contract. The threat of legal repercussions hung in the air, a painful reminder that her choices had been taken away. The room seemed to close in on her, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable.

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