Not so ordinary day

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Anica felt an array of feelings, some of which she couldn't define, as she saw the sprawling mansion through the limo's tinted window as it approached the open gate. Her heart thumped as if it were about to jump out of her ribcage. She took a deep breath and wet her lips with her tongue, perplexed as to why her lungs had suddenly stopped providing her with oxygen. "Oh, boy," she whispered, attempting to get rid of Michael from her thoughts.

The vehicle came to a stop in front of the magnificent fountain that faced the two grand entrance doors, and she assumed someone had opened the car door for her.

Finally, I'm home!

She eagerly stepped out of the car but came to a stop when she realized why she was feeling this way. She wonders if seeing Michael is the reason she feels energized and—well, delighted. Odd, but in a nice way. She tried to relax and act indifferent.

As she moved through the exquisite living room, her eyes searched the surroundings, perhaps to see if Michael was around. 

"Mr. Jackson was in his dance studio," Theo informed her; perhaps he sensed her looking for Michael. "Oh," that is all she says, too embarrassed to say more. Is she truly that transparent that anyone can see through her or read her thoughts?

Theo grinned at her, amused. "Until tomorrow then, Miss Anica," he remarked, bowing and leaving after she thanked him.

Anica sighed, shook her head to clear her mind, and headed upstairs. She didn't feel like eating dinner because she was still full from her afternoon snacks, so she might go to bed early. As she headed to the master bedroom, Anica couldn't help but feel nervous and thrilled at the same time, thinking that Michael might be resting inside. God, she couldn't believe she had been sleeping with Michael Jackson. 

She was halfway to the master bedroom when she wondered where the dancing studio might be. The second floor was full of doors, and she couldn't tell if it was on the second floor or downstairs.

As she went, she heard music somewhere; she followed the sound, and her feet brought her to a room with a slightly-opened door. Then she realized it could be the dance studio. She slowly peers through the slightly-opened door and sees Michael dancing gracefully, engrossed in the beat of the music.

Her eyes had changed into heart shapes as she watched him dance. He's simply wonderful! And he is more attractive while he is dancing. He's incredibly gorgeous! 

She had no idea how she ended up inside the room, but she was there, standing in awe as she watched him move.

Michael, engrossed in the moment, didn't notice her until he felt someone watching him. He came to a stop and looked around, only to find Anica standing at the open door of the dance room, mouth agape, staring at him with a profound admiration that warmed his heart. She is very cute!


Anica almost jumped in shock as if she had just suddenly woken up from a long slumber when Michael caught her watching him. She suddenly panicked and stammered, "M-Michael," as he approached her. "O-Oh, I-I'm s-sorry if I—auh, I didn't k-knock before coming in—" She gulped. Oh, mercy! Michael looks so damn stunning when he's sweating and panting—it makes him even more desirable and sexy!

As he watched Anica speak, Michael fell into a deep state of contemplation.  This woman has absolutely no clue what she is doing to him. She's been consuming his thoughts the entire time, and he's not used to feeling this way about any woman.  This was why he went to his dance studio to let out all of his baffling emotions, which had become more pronounced as the day passed.

He truly couldn't grasp what she was saying right now. He was just staring at her, wondering why she was becoming more attractive in his eyes—and those exquisite lips that he had always wanted to kiss. Instantly, heat rushed across his body, and he realized that Anica had just turned him on. He wonders why he loves making out with her. Her natural innocence was simply too enticing to him. His breathing grows ragged, and he knows his emotions will spiral out of control shortly.

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