Sorry, Caroline

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Michael woke up with a burst of energy this morning. He was feeling great because today marks the start of his three-month vacation. Surprisingly, staying at home has been quite entertaining, and he wondered if it was partly because of having Anica around.

A wide smile spread across his face as he recalled the events of the previous night. The intimacy he shared with Anica had made him feel more ecstatic than ever before. Despite her lack of experience, he found her innocence even more attractive, leading to multiple climaxes.

"Boss, I have to ask again, are you sure you want to accompany Theo to pick up Anica from the University? It seems like a risky move," Bill asked once more.

Michael was well aware of the risk he was about to take, but the excitement of seeing Anica because he already missed her was still prevalent in his mind.

Being a famous figure like Michael Jackson meant being surrounded by beautiful women, but there was something about Anica that made him forget about the rest. To be honest, his focus had been solely on her since the moment he laid eyes on her at the auction.

"Why would I be worried, I'm with you," Michael said with a reassuring tap on Bill's shoulder. The confidence in his voice was palpable, a testament to the faith he had in his security team. As the outstanding head of this elite group, Bill felt a surge of pride and determination. The responsibility of ensuring Michael's safety made him keenly aware of the trust bestowed upon him - a privilege that filled him with a deep sense of gratitude.

Despite the weight of his boss's trust, Bill couldn't help but feel a hint of hesitation. The immense pressure to execute flawlessly, to shield Michael from any potential harm, was a constant presence in his mind. But he knew that showing any sign of doubt or uncertainty would only undermine the trust Michael had placed in him.

"Alright," With a sigh that carried the weight of his internal turmoil, Bill reluctantly agreed to Michael's request. It was a decision borne out of admiration for his boss's unwavering kindness and generosity. Michael had always gone above and beyond to take care of not only Bill but also the entire security team. His genuine concern for their well-being created a bond that went beyond the typical employer-employee relationship.

"Thank you, Bill,"

A genuine smile spread across Bill's face as he nodded. "You are always welcome, boss,"


Anica's class had just come to an end, and she found herself patiently waiting for her driver to arrive and pick her up, as usual. As she stood there, watching the hustle and bustle of students bidding their farewells and heading home, her best friend Caroline approached her with an unexpected request.

"Bestie, do you mind if I catch a ride with you today? My car broke down, and I don't fancy taking the bus," Caroline asked a hint of desperation in her voice. Anica, being the kind-hearted person she was, couldn't say no to her best friend's plea and agreed to give her a lift home.

"Sure, of course," she said.

A  silky and breathtaking black limousine pulled up right in front of them. Caroline, always one to appreciate the finer things in life, couldn't help but let out an astonished whistle. "Oh, wow! Would you just look at that? It's like something out of a movie! Congratulations Anica, you've got yourself a wealthy sugar daddy!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening with awe.

Anica, on the other hand, couldn't help but roll her eyes at her friend's wild assumption. Little did they both know, however, that their lives were about to take an unexpected turn that would leave them in pure shock and disbelief.

Today, Anica was taken aback by the fact that her security had been tripled. There were now two additional black Mercedes Benz cars at the front and back of the limo, giving off an aura reminiscent of the 'first lady of the United States'. Anica's surprise grew even more upon seeing Bill, as she had believed he was not allowed to leave Michael alone.

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