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Anica couldn't figure out where the fire that radiated throughout her body came from; it just happened the moment Michael's lips touched hers. When his tongue entered her surprised mouth and savored her, she let out a faint sigh subconsciously. Michael may have been moved by what he heard and kissed her even more passionately.

Anica, who has no experience, remained motionless. Until her eyes gradually closed as her nerves began to ease and she began to enjoy what he was doing to her.

Michael went on carefully, not wanting to frighten her because he knew intimacy was new to her. He pressed his body between her legs and felt her breath deeply. He knew he was getting hard and she could tell. When he withdrew his attention from her lips to stare at her, he noticed the fire that was beginning to burn in her eyes, as well as shyness and embarrassment. He gave her a side smile and touched her face with the back of his palm. "You're so lovely," he muttered.

She took several gulps. His breath was fanning her rosy cheeks, his face was fiery with need, and his gorgeous brown eyes were burning. She couldn't decide whether to be flattered or humiliated by Michael's hunger for her—and she could feel his firm bulge pressing between her legs as proof.

"I told you, I will never do anything you don't want me to," he murmured. "Just tell me if you want me to stop—though I wish you'd say you want this..." he continued, his voice hoarse; his voice was incredibly sexy!

She's too embarrassed to acknowledge even to herself that she was starting to feel the yearning and wanting to be touched by him.

Michael could see through her even if she wasn't saying anything. He noticed her take a deep breath as he began to slowly grind his hardness against her. He kept doing this till a faint whimper escaped her throat. She tried to prevent herself from placing her palm in her mouth, but Michael found her two wrists and pinned them above her head.

He was wearing boxer shorts and she was only wearing her panty under the huge t-shirt, and she could almost feel his length pressing her most private spot.  If he keeps rubbing her, she'll go insane.

"M-Michael... if you keep doing that, I'm gonna..." she gulped "I'm gonna—" she squealed in surprise as his other hand grasped her now firm nipples under her shirt and rub them in a circular motion, making her moan with her eyes closed.

"Are you saying something?" Michael asked hoarsely and triumphantly as he saw her straining to keep from whimpering.

But as soon as he quickened his tempo, Anica couldn't stand it any longer and began to make faint groans that became a little louder as he quickened his pace.

Gracious! Anica could get him cummed just by stroking! The depth of his desire for her is foreign to him.

They're at the pinnacle of their intense making out, producing simultaneous moans of delight, when someone knocks on the door. They initially disregarded it, but the knock got more noticeable and appeared to be important. 

"Fuck!" He was so irritated that he considered murder. He didn't want to end just yet because his climax was getting closer and he could see Anica was too. "Wait a minute, Bill!" he growled. He knew it was him because he was the only one who wasn't afraid to interrupt his rendezvous.

Anica could feel her climax on its way, and she was about to explode. When Michael rubbed her with his finger, Anica erupted into a musical wail as she reached the point of no return, causing her to squirt (almost shaky) for the first time. And he enjoyed hearing her trembling moan.

"So lovely, very beautiful." He licked his finger and tasted her cum, and he looked very hot while doing so. "And now it's my turn." He immediately let his hard member out of his boxer, and he saw her eyes go wide at the sight of it.

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