Reality That Feels Like Dream ✨

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The first thing that caught her attention upon regaining consciousness was the heavenly comfort of the soft mattress she found herself lying on. It felt as if she was embraced by hundreds of fluffy cotton balls, providing a blissful sensation. The subtle scent that filled the air added to the overall decadence of her surroundings, making her feel as if she were floating on a cloud.

As her eyes slowly fluttered open, she was greeted by a sight that took her breath away. Above her, an exquisite ceiling adorned with intricate Greek and Roman-inspired artwork stretched out, showcasing the meticulous craftsmanship that had gone into its creation. Every brushstroke seemed to tell a story, transporting her to a different time and place. The chandelier, which hung gracefully from the ceiling, reflected a warm and inviting glow that bathed the room in a soft, ethereal light. It resembled the ones she had marveled at in awe during countless movie scenes, but she never imagined she would find herself in such opulence.

Gradually, she directed her gaze around the room, her eyes carefully absorbing every intricate detail. It was then she realized that this place was entirely unfamiliar to her. The lavishness of the surroundings was vastly different from anything she had ever encountered before. The thought struck her - she had never stepped foot in a luxurious bedroom throughout her entire life, until now.

Suddenly, a rush of memories flooded her mind with a force that almost knocked the breath out of her. She gasped in disbelief as the final moments leading up to her unconsciousness replayed in her head.

"What the—" Her drowsiness left her entire system, and she sprung out of bed.

It was then, in that shocking revelation, that she remembered —it was the legendary Michael Jackson himself who had acquired her in an astonishing auction, paying an exorbitant sum of 100 million dollars for her!


The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. The man who was about to claim her virginity was none other than the man who had captured her heart and soul through his music —-the King of Pop!

The sheer magnitude of the situation overwhelmed her. She found herself torn between disbelief and excitement, grappling with the surreal nature of it all.

She wasn't sure if she'd be thrilled or humiliated! To say she was charmed by Michael is an understatement; she is head over heels in love with him! She has been a fan since she first learned to sing and dance! Michael Jackson is a fantasy! She had constantly fantasized about how it would feel to meet him, but she never imagined meeting him this way!

And, wait a minute...could this be his home?!

Her thoughts were interrupted as the door to the room where she was opened, allowed two uniformed housekeepers to enter. They were ecstatic to see her.

"Good morning, miss," they said.

"We're glad you're awake now," the other remarked.

She nodded awkwardly, unable to say anything.

"Mr. Jackson had left early and he told us to attend to your needs while he's gone," said the other one.

It was only then that Anica realized it was already morning and she had slept all night.

"I bet you are hungry; don't worry, your breakfast will be here any minute."

Anica was in disbelief, questioning whether she was either damn or simply stupid for just now realizing she was wearing an oversized polo that clearly belonged to a man, and possibly belonged to Michael! Goodness gracious!

The other housekeeper smiled at her and informed her, "Mr. Jackson will be attending a music award tonight, but he assured us he would come home no matter how late."

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