The Black Lingerie

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In a moment of sheer delight, Mrs. Katherine Jackson greeted her son as he walked into the drawing room. "There you are!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with joy. After a tender kiss on the cheek, she asked, "Did I interrupt your busy day?"

Grinning warmly, Michael reassured his mother, "You could never be a bother, Mom. You mean everything to me." His love for her was boundless, a sentiment that ran deep within his heart.

Sitting together on a plush couch, Katherine expressed how much she missed him, her hand gently caressing his face. Returning the affection, Michael planted a kiss on her forehead, whispering, "I missed you too."

As the conversation continued, Katherine couldn't help but ask why he hadn't visited Hayvenhurst after his trip to England. Feeling a pang of guilt, Michael realized he had been so caught up with Anica that he had disregarded his family. The secret of Anica's existence, concealed from his loved ones, weighed heavily on his conscience.

Michael shifted uncomfortably on the couch, trying to come up with a believable excuse for his absence. He knew he couldn't tell his mother the truth about Anica, not yet at least. The thought of disappointing his parents weighed heavily on his mind.

"I've been so busy with work, Mom. I've just been swamped," Michael lied, hoping she wouldn't see through his façade. His mother gave him a knowing look, but she didn't press the issue further.

Katherine sensed her son's unease and wrapped her arm around him, offering him comfort. "You can tell me anything, Michael. I'm always here for you," she whispered, patting his hand affectionately.

Of course, his mother loves him unconditionally and will do everything she can to understand him. But he knows she'll be disappointed and hurt if she finds out he keeps a paid woman for pleasure inside his home. He'd rather keep Anica from his mother than lie to her—well, for now?

Katherine could sense a disturbance in her son Michael, but she knew he needed to tackle his demons solo, and she respected his independence. "Okay, my boy," she sighed, offering a sympathetic smile. "I hear you," she added, smoothly switching gears. "Your sisters will be crashing for a sleepover."

Michael merely nodded, suppressing an eye roll. He already anticipated the chaos that would descend upon his home when his spirited siblings arrived. "Those rascals," he muttered affectionately under his breath, knowing deep down he wouldn't have it any other way.

Katherine couldn't help but chuckle. "Your sisters have been badgering me to swing by since your return, claiming they've missed you. And your brothers, well, they've been dropping not-so-subtle hints about your absence from our Sunday gatherings. They miss your presence, even if they won't admit it outright."

Every Sunday, the Jackson family gathered at either Hayvenhurst or the sprawling gardens of Neverland Ranch. Michael, being the busiest of the bunch, was occasionally unable to join in the festivities.

"I'm sorry about that, Mom," Michael offered an apologetic smile to his mother, acknowledging the busyness that came with being the king of pop. With the sweetest smile he could muster, he asked, "Tell me, how can I make it up to you, hmm?"

Katherine looked at him with a knowing glint in her eye, a mischievous idea forming in her mind. "I like that," she cracks up. "Are you really willing to do anything I ask?"

He nodded confidently, ready to fulfill any request. "Anything you desire!"

"Well," With a wide grin, Katherine decided on her request. "I want you to bring Brooke Shields to our next gathering at Neverland Land. How about that?"

"Naah," Michael made a face at the suggestion. "Brooke is just a friend, Mom-"

"But she likes you, and you like her. You used to have her photos on your wall, remember?"

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