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Anica hasn't been feeling herself lately. Though she tries to seem normal and concentrate on her studies in preparation for the forthcoming examinations, she can't help but think of Michael every time. She is drawn to him.

Since Michael left for London four days ago, Anica has been trying to figure out how to approach him when he returns without feeling uncomfortable. She still couldn't believe she slept with him! She had just gone through what countless ladies had prayed for! to be close to the well-known Pop Star!

She stares blankly at her notes, attempting to absorb what she has read, and groans when she realizes that none of it has registered in her head. Michael was all she could think about! His expressive deep brown eyes, enticing lips, enchanting grin, and warm touch— gosh! "Enough!" she slapped herself in the hope of stopping herself from daydreaming and poked her notebook into her forehead as if doing so would magically transfer all of her written notes onto her brain.

"Stop worrying about him! Stop thinking about Michael okay—"

"Oh, so Michael is your sugar daddy's name!"

Anica nearly jumped in surprise as her best friend appeared behind her. When she came across her mocking look, she rolled her eyes. Despite Caroline's repeated requests, Anica has yet to reveal who acquired her in the auction. She loves her best friend, but due to her natural gossiping nature, she will undoubtedly end up telling everyone that Michael Jackson bought her at auction for an incredible 100 million dollars!

Anica let out an exasperated sigh as she watched Caroline take a seat across from her in the library. Trying her best to maintain focus on her studies, she pretended to be engrossed in her notes, hoping that her friend would take the hint and drop the subject. But Caroline, never one to miss an opportunity for juicy gossip, persisted with her teasing.

Unable to resist the temptation of her friend's persistent curiosity, Anica glanced up from her notes and glanced at Caroline, feigning annoyance. She knew her friend meant well, but her tendency to spread rumors like wildfire always made her hesitant to share personal details. And this particular piece of information was just too scandalous to risk getting out.

"Seriously, Caroline, can we please focus on the task at hand?" Anica pleaded, her voice laced with irritation. "I have an exam coming up and I need to review. Can we talk about something else?"

Caroline's mischievous grin only grew wider as she ignored Anica's plea, leaning in closer as if to share a secret. "Oh, come on, Anica! I promise I won't tell anyone. Just give me a little hint. Was it someone famous? A billionaire, perhaps?"

Anica's eyes widened at the thought. She never thought she would find herself in this situation, caught between a secret she couldn't reveal and her friend's insatiable curiosity. In truth, it wasn't just any famous person or billionaire who had purchased her in the auction. It was someone far more iconic, someone who had left an indelible mark on the world. But she couldn't risk just casually dropping the bombshell that it was none other than Michael Jackson.

Summoning all her patience, Anica plastered a fake smile on her face, desperately trying to redirect the conversation. "Caroline, you're relentless! It's not that big of a deal. Let's just focus on our studies for now, okay?" Her attempts to steer the conversation away from her enigmatic benefactor seemed futile, but she had to at least try.

Caroline pouted for a brief moment, clearly disappointed by Anica's refusal to divulge the juicy details. But being the good friend that she was, she finally relented and nodded reluctantly. "Fine, fine. We'll talk about it later when you're ready. Just know that I'm dying of curiosity!"

Anica breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that her friend had finally backed down. She returned her attention to her notes, hoping to salvage what little study time she had left. The image of Michael Jackson lingered in her mind, a vivid reminder of the surreal turn her life had taken. But now wasn't the time to dwell on the details; now was the time to focus on her studies and conquer that impending exam.

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