Insatiable Need

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Anica could feel her heart pounding in her chest as Michael's passionate actions consumed her. His tongue explored every corner of her mouth, leaving her feeling desired and wanted. His hands, seemingly unable to resist, roamed over her arms and back in a way that sent shivers down her spine.

As he continued to shower her with kisses, he grumbled those three simple words that held so much weight: "I missed you." Anica's heart fluttered at his confession, but she couldn't find it in herself to express the same sentiment. She was overwhelmed by a mixture of emotions, making it difficult for her to vocalize her desires.

Lost in the depths of his kisses and the intensity of his touch, Anica found herself drifting away from reality. The pure bliss and ecstasy she experienced in those moments seemed to transport her to another world. Unbeknownst to her, she was reciprocating his kisses and touch just as passionately. It was only when he abruptly stopped the kiss that she snapped back to reality, realizing they were now in bed together.

With a sudden burst of urgency, Michael shed his clothes, leaving him almost exposed. Pulling Anica close, he resumed his exploration of her with a newfound fervor. Every touch, every caress, was a proclamation of his desire. Anica's innocence was being claimed by his hands, igniting a fire within her that she had never felt before.

Whispering in a voice laced with desire, Michael confessed, "You're driving me insane, Anica." His internal struggle between wanting to fully possess her and not wanting to scare her was evident. Despite his overwhelming longing to make love to her right then and there, he didn't want to rush or pressure her into anything she wasn't ready for.

"M-Michael," Anica stuttered, her voice laced with desire and anticipation as she felt his middle finger delicately pressing against her now-wet folds, his touch igniting a cascade of electrifying sensations within her body. As he skillfully moved his finger up and down, a surge of countless electrons seemed to infiltrate her veins, causing an intoxicating mix of shudders and trembles to ripple through her being, each one carrying a thrilling wave of pleasure.

Michael reveled in the profound impact he had on Anica, his ability to send her spiraling into a state of bliss with nothing more than his touch. Witnessing the way her eyes rolled back and her hips instinctively gyrated in response to his intimate explorations only fueled his desire. Anica's soft utterances of his name served as delightful melodies to his ears, reminders of the intense connection they shared and the passion that ignited between them.

Delighting in the array of sensations he could summon within her, Michael lowered his head and brought his lips to her gorgeous, perky breast, drawing her delicate flesh into his mouth. The sensation of her arching her body, surrendering herself to his ministrations, only deepened their intimate connection. It was a dance of pleasure, a symphony of desire that they both eagerly participated in.

Being attuned to Anica's desires, Michael understood that she was not yet ready to take the final step of surrendering her virginity. He respected her boundaries and made a conscious decision to focus solely on their mutual pleasure in the present moment. Methodically and with care, he gently spread her legs wide to grant himself greater access, using his skilled touch to stimulate her most sensitive areas.

Rubbing his hard, veined length between her glistening labia, Michael expertly maneuvered his movements to precisely hit her clitoris, eliciting gasps sighs, and moans of immense pleasure from both of them. It was a dance of passion and fulfillment, guiding each other towards a crescendo of love-making that left them breathless and euphoric, their bodies becoming one with the symphony of their desires.

"So beautiful," He kept murmuring as he watched her face, flushed and filled with sexual bliss, emitting sounds of pleasure, building towards her climax.

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