Neverland Ranch

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As they walked hand in hand, Michael led Anica on a whimsical journey through the enchanting landscapes of Neverland Ranch. The place was a true paradise, a magical haven that seemed to be straight out of a fairytale. Anica found herself completely mesmerized by the breathtaking beauty that surrounded her. The lush greenery, the beautiful flowers, the serene lakes, and the majestic mountains - everything seemed to be in perfect harmony as if orchestrated by the extraordinary imagination of the King of Pop himself.

Anica couldn't help but feel amazed at the sheer amount of effort and money that Michael had invested in creating such a marvelous place. But then again, Michael was anything but ordinary. He possessed a supernatural ability to conjure magic from thin air, and it was evident in every aspect of Neverland Ranch. The place was a true reflection of his boundless creativity and imagination, and Anica found herself falling irrevocably in love with it.

"Michael, this place is beyond words," Anica couldn't contain her admiration. Her eyes sparkled with awe and wonder as she spoke.

Michael gazed at her, realizing that she outshined any of the beauty that the Neverland Ranch held. "Yes, it is indeed beautiful," he replied, his words veiling a deeper meaning. He wasn't referring to the physical surroundings but to the intoxicating allure of Anica herself. The moonlight danced in her eyes, casting a spell on his heart. She was utterly mesmerizing.

Lost in her reverie, Anica remained oblivious to Michael's adoration. Her attention was consumed by the captivating panorama that stretched before her. Little did she know, Michael's heart had whispered a question that caught even him by surprise. "Would you like to stay here with me?" he asked softly. It was a question he had promised himself to ask only the woman he would marry, for he believed that Neverland was a place meant to be shared with a soulmate. What is wrong with him? He wasn't supposed to ask her that.

After hearing him pose that question, Anica's gaze shot straight toward him. Did she hear him right? Did Michael Jackson invite her to come to live in this paradise with him? Whoa!

"W-What?" she stammered, questioning her perception. Because in truth, well, obviously, she meant nothing to him. She was merely the girl he purchased to serve as his companion and object of desire for a year. Who in their right mind would ask someone like her to live with him in this seemingly perfect place, possibly built for his future wife? She would never be that person. Ouch. That hurts.

Michael, struck by his own words, suddenly regretted what he had just said to her. He couldn't comprehend why he had asked Anica to live with him in his Neverland Ranch. The only thing he knew was that she looked stunning tonight.

"Um," he cleared his throat and forced a smile. "I mean, you're welcome to visit Neverland anytime you want," he offered.

A part of Anica felt let down when Michael retracted his statement, but she couldn't blame him. He was Michael Jackson, a superstar, a God, and she was simply a human who had unexpectedly developed feelings for him—

wait, what?!

Oh my goodness, was she falling in love with him?!

Oh my God...

To be honest, this is why she is terrified to fall for Michael in the first place: she knows she will end up heartbroken. He will never like her in the way she wishes he would. So this cannot be happening. Perhaps she's simply confused?

"Anica, are you all right? " Michael asked as he saw her expression distorted into a mix of fear and worry. He wasn't sure if he was right, but he saw some hurt in her eyes and she appeared to want to cry. He could feel her palm become cold under his grip, so he gently squeezed it.

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