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"I let you come back,
'cause sticking 'round is in my nature
and tolerating bad behavior."
Wicked Games | Kiana Ledé

Chapter I | ᥫ᭡

"Girl hurry your ass up!" Priya shouted at Isis through the FaceTime call, voice filled with irritation. Priya was rushing her, like always and like always, Isis was taking forever getting dressed. I don't know why she's acting brand new, Isis thought, adding the finishing touches to her make-up. It was more than just showering and getting dressed. She had to also prepare herself mentally to be sociable. Any sort of interaction where she was required to hold a conversation with another individual was frankly excruciating.
Truthfully, the only place Isis wanted to be was in her bed, trapped in dreamland, and wrapped up in scenarios that'll never happen. Mostly because in her dreams, everything tended to work in her favor. Unlike reality, and reality lately was exhausting. However, she was trying to take it one day at a time. Some days were difficult, others were manageable, but most of the time she was in a constant state of overwhelming emotions.
​ Isis glanced at her phone, propped up against her make up bag, watching Priya roll her eyes as she hears her cousin, Kiyanne, laughing in the background.
"I'll be out in two minutes, girl." Isis replied, ignoring Priya's antics before hanging up, and exiting the bathroom adjoining her bedroom. Standing in front of her full body mirror, she stares back at her reflection. According to most, she resembled her mother, Gaia. Yet, Isis didn't see what everyone else saw. Her older sister, Kenia, on the other hand resembled her mother so much it was terrifying. Almost like looking at a ghost.
​ The sound of Priya's horn knocks Isis out of her thoughts as she quickly swiped away the tears, and grabbing her small green Teflar purse that matched her outfit before heading towards the front door. Tonight, Isis decided on being cute and casual, instead of sexy and uncomfortable. She wore a white crop wife beater, showing off her tone, flat stomach, with oversized sage green cargo pants with white and black paint splattered designs and matching black and green Jordan 1's. Of course, she accessorized with her gold jewelry and her hair was styled in a classic low bun with baby hairs gracing her edges. Nothing compared to getting dressed up after months of not having the energy to even try when it came to your appearance. But tonight, Isis was trying to let go off all that and just relax. She needed it and forsure as hell deserved it.
Isis opened the rear passenger door to Priya's black, C class Mercedes, sliding into the backseat as Kiyanne turned around, looking her up and down.
"You look cute, girl." She said complimenting her.
"Mhm, I wonder who for." Priya interjected, eyeing her in the rearview mirror.
"I can't just wanna look nice for myself?" Isis sarcastically snapped back. Mostly because she knew what Priya was hinting at. However, she wasn't in the mood for Priya's interrogations about her love life. Isis knew Priya meant well, but some things were better off left unsaid until she knew what the ramifications of her actions would be.
Their mom's were best friends, so naturally they were as well. They grew up together, since diapers and snotty noses and Priya knew everything there was to know about Isis and understood her more than most. Even when Isis was in one of her moods, but Priya never held it against her. She knew why Isis had such a challenging time opening up, especially lately.
"Whatever you say, Ice." Priya replied in a singsong tone.
"I'm tryna get fucked up tonight!" Kiyanne interrupted, changing the topic of the conversation. She turned up the volume of the music and begins twerking in her seat. Isis laughs, shaking her head at Kiyanne's antics. She was the life of the party and her favorite family member. Kiyanne and Isis were more like sisters than cousins. Her complexion was honey brown with almond shape eyes, and jet-black hair that she wore in finger waves tonight, wearing oversized light washed mom jeans, with a white Playboy crop top, and blue and white dunks.
"Hopefully, there'll be some fine ass niggas coming tonight." Kiyanne continued.
​ Tonight, Priya's boyfriend, Khalil was hosting a party with some of his NBA teammates, and of course they were dragging Isis along. Anybody who was somebody, was bound the be there. However, tonight was a smaller venue so it was invite only and the crowd shouldn't be too crazy.
At least that was what Isis was praying.
Crowds and Isis didn't mesh. She never knew how to exist in them. Always overly conscious about her every single movement or everything she said. They made her more self-conscious than she already was. Isis knew she hadn't been in the best of moods lately and could tell her cousin and best friend were trying their hardest to pull her out of it. But this was something that she needed to figure out by herself and it was going to take time. Dealing with broken heart was never a simple task.
"What about Harlem?" Priya interjected.
"What about him? He does what he pleases, so I'm gonna continue to do what I please." She replied with a shrug. Harlem was Kiyanne's on and off boyfriend. They never made their relationship official, but everyone knew they were together. Even if they wouldn't admit it. Kiyanne and Harlem both had commit issues, but neither of them could let each other go.
"I don't wanna hear any of that when I catch you going home with him tonight." Isis butted in as Priya pulled up to the house, putting her car in park. Kiyanne gets out of the car exclaiming, "Girllll, I know you're not talking!"
Isis chuckled, giving her a dismissive wave, closing her door.
"You real good at sneaking off with Caine and not bein' heard from until the next day." Kiyanne continued being factious.
"She got you there, sis." Priya said in agreeance, laughing as Isis rolled her eyes in response. Just the mention of her ex, stirred up emotions in her that she'd been trying to fight back for weeks. Confusion was mostly what Isis felt when she thought of Caine. At first things were amazing. You know, that short blissful period when everything was still fresh and exhilarating. The nigga still tried to chase and purse you before exposing his true colors and manipulative ways. Manipulative ways that had Isis feeling like she wasn't enough. Even when deep down, she knew she was, and that Caine was the problem. She dealt with so many insecurities brought on by Caine's actions. But sometimes, when you're young, you find yourself stuck in situations with someone who was obviously not worth it. Wishing and praying that they could just see what was right in front of them before time ran out and you'd finally accepted defeat. However, the day had yet come, and Isis was finding herself accepting that reality increasingly more, every day. She wasn't built to beg a man to give the time and attention she deserved. Yet for some reason with Caine, Isis found herself breaking all her rules and accepting the endless on and off cycle of their toxic situationship.
"Last time I checked I was single." Isis replied, matter of factly, opening the front door and entering the house.
"Yeah but for how long?" Kiyanne instigated and Isis blew her off as a cloud of smoke and the smell of liquor tickles her nose and the sounds of Mozzy's Body Count, playing loudly greet her.

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