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"You been movin' shady
& I don't even know who you been fucking lately. "
Crazy | Kiana Ledé

Chapter VIII | ᥫ᭡

Priya: Outside

Isis picked up her phone reading Priya's text that she'd arrived. She grabbed her purse before heading down the stairs. Caine was sitting on the couch, playing 2K on his PlayStation.
"I'm leaving." She said standing to the side as he intensely focused on his game. He was supposed to be going with her to the game, but at last minute changed his mind. Isis wasn't trying to think too much into it especially after today, but her trauma had her questioning Caine's reasons to staying in. He briefly looked up from his game checking out her outfit.
"Why you got them tight ass shorts on?" He questioned and Isis rolled her eyes. She had on a black unitard that stopped mid-thigh with an oversized red and black flannel on and white air low top force with a red trip and her mini red Teflar bag to match. Caine was being extra, and Isis was going to ignore his silliness.
"Wouldn't matter if you hadn't changed our plans." Isis sarcastically replied with a shrug and Caine glared back.
"Mhm, must be trying to show off for someone." He snidely rebutted and Isis let out a loud sigh, rolling her eyes. She didn't have time for his jealously bullshit right now. She was trying to enjoy her night and didn't understand where his sudden change of behavior came from.
"Yeah whatever." She said walking to the door.
"When you comin' back?" Caine asked.
"Why? You going somewhere?" Isis snapped, standing at the door. He shrugged, not looking towards her.
"I don't know. Maybe. Might got out with the homies." He vaguely said and Isis became irritated. Mostly because the main people Caine hung out with Isis would be with tonight. So, Isis wondered who else Caine could be going to hang out with.
"I guess, Caine. I'll text you if I decide to come back then." Isis angrily replied, opening the door and leaving before he could say anything else. She stood on the opposite side of the door for a second composing herself before walking to Priya's car. She was so tired of Caine flipping his emotions constantly. Isis never knew which version of him, she was gonna get and frankly it was tiring constantly having to walk on eggshells.
"Hey y'all." Isis said greeting Priya, Kiyanne and Nala as she climbs into the backseat.
"Girl, I need that bag." Priya said, eyeing her through the rearview mirror.
"Thanks girl. It was a gift from Caine." Isis stated vaguely.
"Well excuse me, check Caine out." Kiyanne remarked surprised, "Maybe his ass ain't so bad after all."
"Mhm." Isis simply replied trying to hold the urge to roll her eyes. She wasn't sure if Caine deserved the praises. The verdict was still out on that one. About ten minutes later they arrive at the high school and Priya pulled into the parking lot closest to the football field. As they climb out of the car, the sounds of screaming fans and the band playing greets their ears.
"Hurry up, y'all I don't wanna miss halftime." Priya said as they follow her towards the entrance. Thankfully because they came towards the middle of the game, there wasn't a line full of people. They give their tickets to the PTA members at the gate and make their way towards the crowded stands.
"Do y'all see them?" Kiyanne asked as she scanned the crowd. Immediately Isis spotted Javi in the sea of faces. Her palms become sweaty and her heart rate sped up, but quickly that changed noticing that same girl from the other night, sitting next to him. Isis didn't know who she was but at this point it was obvious she and Javi were involved.
"Up there." Isis said, pointing them out and they climb the stairs, squeezing their way through a few people until they reach them. Priya and Kiyanne took a seat on the bleachers next to Khalil and Harlem, while Isis opted to sit on the bleacher lower next to Kenia and Power with Nala on the opposite side of her.
"Where Z?" Isis questioned Kenia.
"Girl, right over there." Kenia replied pointing to their little sister, Zola, down at the bottom of the bleachers flirting with some boy. Isis giggled amused with the fact that Zola was an exact replica of Kenia when she was younger.
"She learned from the best." Isis teased and Kenia rolled her eyes.
"Well hopefully her ass will learn from my mistakes." Zola noticed Isis and waves up to her, telling her friend bye before heading over to her sisters.
"Who was that?" Kenia immediately barged as Zola took a seat next to Nala. Zola batted her lashes, "My future husband." She replied, gushing making her sisters laugh.
"Oh God." Kenia responded, frowning.
"Speaking of future husbands, look at fine ass Javi." Zola said calling his name and waving up at him. Unable to fight the temptation to not look up, Isis quickly glanced at Javi. Their eyes met as he casually nodded what's up and Isis gave him a quick smile before turning back around. She didn't know how she was only going to be friends with him when everything she felt for him was so intense. She doing okay so far, but Isis didn't know how much longer she was going to be able to keep her feelings in check. All it look was a little bit of alcohol and Isis would gain the liquor courage she needed to say and do what she really felt.
A voice blared through the speaker announcing that they were going to start the halftime show in fifteen minutes. "Come with me to the bathroom?" Nala said to Isis and she nodded her head agreeing. Javi watched as they descend the bleachers into the crowd. He was now regretting letting Serenity tag along. With her here, Javi wouldn't be able to find a moment alone with Isis. The only reason he agreed to let Serenity to come with him to the game was the stop her bitchin'. Lately Serenity was asking for things of him, he couldn't agree too. Javi knew exactly who and wanted, but he knew it was gonna take some time to rebuild Isis's trust. He could admit that he fucked them up all by letting her go and he wasn't trying to complicate shit for Isis, but knowing she was dealing with a nigga that didn't deserve to even breath her air, had him wanting to fight for keeps. But when and if, Javi did decide to open Pandora's box, it would require him to commit because Isis was the type of girl you just wanted committed to.
"Really nigga?" Serenity angry fussed, hitting Javi on the arm and snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Man, what are you talkin' about?" He asked, getting annoyed.
"Keep playing stupid, Javi." She said, pointing her finger in his face. Javi knocked her hand away, blowing her off, and ignoring her nagging.

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