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"Sad about shit I've been sad about.
For the past year, I've been low, I've been down and out it
and it's cause of you and love, if there's any doubts."
Everything is Yours | Kehlani

Chapter XXV | One month later ᥫ᭡

       The shop was fairly empty that Thursday afternoon

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       The shop was fairly empty that Thursday afternoon. Kiyanne was doing Priya's hair for her date night with Khalil while Kenia and Nala chatted away at the receptionist desk. Isis sat at her booth gazing out the window of the shop, occupied with her thoughts. It was how she spent the last few weeks, trying to make sense of another woman carrying Javi's seed. Never did she think this day would come and it wouldn't have been her. They were supposed to be end game, but now? That dream was destroyed. Every time Isis replayed Javi's words, her heart stung, making her feel even more distraught. It was starting to make her wonder if they were even supposed to be together because every time they tried, something got in the way. It was obvious the universe wanted them to be apart. So why ignore the signs? If they were supposed to be, it wouldn't have been this difficult.
"Hellloo? Earth to Isis? You there?" Kiyanne called, trying to get her attention.
"Huh?" She replied, spinning around in her chair.
"Are you even listening?" Priya asked.
"Not really." Isis vaguely replied. Priya and Kiyanne gave each other the side eye.
"I asked if you were coming out this weekend with us?" Priya questioned again. Isis shrugged. The last place she wanted to be was in a club. All Isis wanted to do was drowned her sorrows.
It was unhealthy yes, but fuck it.
"Girl, you're going." Kiyanne said, answering for her. Isis rolled her eyes in response, not wanting to put up a fight.
"Alright girl, spill. What's up with you? Cause you actin' real funny. " Kiyanne grilled. Her mopping around didn't go unnoticed and they could tell something was up by Isis's distant behavior lately.
"Nothing happened, Kiy." She insisted, wishing she would drop it.
"What's up with your sis, Nal?" Kiyanne turned to Nala, not believing her. Isis blew a sharp breath, glaring at Nala. Of course, she knew what was up. It was kind of hard for Nala to notice that Javi hadn't been around lately and from the way Isis blasted nothing but sad ass r&b all day, it was clear they ended things.
But why though, Nala was clueless to that.
"Girl I don't know. Ask her." Nala answered, waving over to Isis.
"Whatever it is, it's about Javi." Kenia interjected, "Power said he's been acting the same way too." Hearing that made Isis slightly happy. She knew it was twisted, but it was good to know he was hurting like she was. At least, it let her know that some part of everything he told her was true.
"Mhm so what happened with you and Javi? And don't lie and say nothin' cause I know that nigga was beating them cheeks." Kiyanne brazenly interrogated. Kenia and Nala bursted into giggles and Isis cut her eyes at Kiyanne as her agitation grew.
"Wow, so you really been lying to me this entire time?" Priya asked hurt. Isis sighed, saddened that she hurt her friend. She hadn't told Priya the complete truth only because Isis didn't want Priya to get her hopes up about her and Javi. Isis unfortunately knew how it would eventually play out, so she thought keeping some of the details of their affair, to herself, was best.
"I'm sorry but it was only because I was trying to keep my feelings out of it, but none of it really matters now cause Serenity's pregnant." Isis informed them. Nala's mouth dropped open.
"You're fucking lying?" Kiyanne asked, surprised by her confession. They all were. Isis shook her head no.
"Girl I fucking wish. I seriously can't believe that bitch is pregnant." Isis said, huffing in frustration.
"And Javi's the dad?" Kenia questioned with uncertainty.
"So she says, but Javi said he's not sure." Isis said.
"So what? Y'all broke up?" Priya asked for clarification.
"I mean no, but we weren't together together anyways...I mean, Javi's said nothing's changed, but I've been down this road before. Shit, you tried to warn me about Caine Priy, and I ignore it." Isis stated. When she found out about Caine having a kid, it was involuntary information. Priya found out from Khalil so being her best friend, she rightfully passed that information along.
"Yeah but Javi and Caine are two different niggas. I mean, he told you the truth right?" Priya questioned.
Isis nodded yeah, but Javi's honesty didn't matter. Serenity was still pregnant and it was ruining the little life Isis built for them in her head. Someone else was giving him a child now. That position had been filled and there was nothing she could do about it.
"None of that matters if another bitch is carrying is his child." Isis spat.
"Damn girl. Never did I didn't think that was the bomb you were gonna drop." Kiyanne said, still in disbelief.
"I bet you Javi ain't even the daddy. As sneaky as that bitch is, I'll bet you someone else is." Kenia said, trying to reassure her sister. Isis, on the hand, didn't believe that and at this point, all she could do was find a way to put Javi in her past and move on with her life.

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