«14» poor pot plant

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Happy reading all you classy bastards

Keefe grinned into the kiss, knowing full well that it had startled Tam. The dark haired boy tensed up, but quickly eased into it. His somewhat shaky hands grasped the base of Keefe's neck, slick with water from the pool.

Keefe loved every moment of it. His chest roared with excitement and happiness; it felt as though hundreds of butterflies were hitting against him in his stomach, desperate to be free. He was almost certain he was shaky himself—from excitement or nerves he didn't know. It was absolutely fucking thrilling.

Keefe picked up Tam in the water so that he was straddling him, his hands clinging around Tam's waist. Tam's legs instinctively wrapped around Keefe's waist, his hands gripping tighter on the blonde boy's neck. Keefe slowly waded to the edge of the pool, still locked into the embrace. Keefe eventually pulled away, both of the boys gasping, watching as his boyfriend's eyes fluttered ajar and fell shut again. Water trickled down the features of his face.

Without warning, Keefe lifted Tam onto the concrete ledge of the pool. The dark haired boy opened his eyes fully, startled by the sudden movement. Keefe smiled again. He clenched the concrete edge as if to pull himself out of the water, but only lifted himself half way; just enough to reach Tam's lips again.

As their mouths reconnected, Tam's left hand clutched the back of Keefe's head, his fingers tangled in his golden hair. But something inside Keefe ached for more. He could feel it through Tam, too—and he craved to crush that feeling within the both of them.

Keefe used his left hand to reach for Tam's neck, using it as support to pull himself fully out of the water. As he did this, Tam's hands reached for Keefe's waist, twining around it. The blonde boy sat himself on Tam's lap—Keefe was now the one straddling him. His hands cupped the sides of Tam's jaw.

Keefe pulled away again, going down for his boyfriend's neck. Unexpectedly and causing them both to jolt away from each other, the two boys heard an unknown voice coming from the stairwell. To say the very least, it startled the shit out of them. Not to mention it also ruined the moment.

Ohhhhh fuck.

"Hey, Lorenzo! Lovely, look at this fucking pot plant!" A tall thin woman with a darker complexion and long, hot pink braids appeared at the stairwell. She wore a tight purple silk dress. She had many gold piercings decorating her face and ears, and had a drink in hand. In her other hand were her matching lavender heels. She giggled maniacally, then looked as though she might cry. "Isn't that sad? Poor pot plant. What if it had a family?"

Tam and Keefe looked at each other, careful not to make a sound as they got up and retrieved their cloths from the concrete. The man that must have been Lorenzo appeared with her at the stairs. He had a lighter complexion paired with curly brown hair that was tied up neatly in a bun. He wore a red button up shirt and black dress pants. He also had a drink in hand. Even with her heels off, the woman was still a head taller than Lorenzo. "Oh, no. Shall we attempt to fix him, dearest?"

Keefe grabbed Tam's hand and led him over to the bar area. After rummaging around in the surprising amount cupboards, he pulled out two clean towels. As the drunk couple across from them on the rooftop attempted to fix the dirt/plant/pottery mess by the door, Keefe and Tam dried themselves off and changed back into their clothes.

"Jaiz! Holy shit!" Lorenzo's mouth gaped open dramatically as he turned around and finally saw the rooftop lounge through the door. Keefe and Tam froze, petrified to be found. "Forget about the fucking plant—turn around!"

Thankfully, the man had not spotted them yet and Keefe smirked at the couple's attitudes due to the drinks. Discarding the wet towels, he guided Tam along the border of the roof, sneaky as to not catch Lorenzo's attention.

The woman named Jaiz turned around and looked equally as shocked at the sight. "Woahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Do you think maybe his pot plant family lives in one of these gardens, lovely?"

As Lorenzo and Jaiz wondered onto the roof, Keefe and Tam stealthily slipped through the door and bolted back down the stairwell.

Tam waited before they arrived back down at the first floor door for him to feel safe to talk. "Holy shit, Keefe. Did you seriously not think about locking the door? Shutting it, at least?"

Keefe laughed, and Tam glared at his display of amusement. "Lighten up, Tammy. What's the worst that could have happened? I'll admit, though, we're lucky they were a bit... out of it."

Tam rolled his eyes. "Let's just get out of here."

Keefe smirked, and together they walked back out to the front of the building. Tam watched as Keefe took one last look through the windows. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it, Tammy."

Tam's complexion became scarlet as he glowered at his boyfriend, and Keefe chuckled. "Unfortunately, I think this date has to come to an end. I have an angry Father to go home to."

Tam frowned when Keefe's expression became serious at the latter sentence. "Angry? Wait, Keefe—you didn't finish your studying, did you?"

"Nope!" Keefe grinned, then leant over to lightly kiss Tam on the forehead. Tam's heart squeezed inside it's ribcage. Keefe grinned even more, as if knowing the effect of his touch. Actually, he probably did, seeing as Keefe was an empath. He continued. "Goodnight, Tam. I'll see you tomorrow."

After the two had sufficiently stated their goodbyes, Tam leapt back to his house. A note on the table read, leftovers in the fridge. But honestly, Tam kinda just needed some sleep. He first went to Linh's room to see if she was awake, but she had drifted off. Tam quietly flicked the light off for her and left to his own room, where he drowsily laid down. Pondering and replaying the night's events in his head, Tam drifted off to slumber as well.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟 (𝕂𝕒𝕞 𝕂𝕠𝕥𝕝𝕔)Where stories live. Discover now