«44» smash a fucking window

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I have smoll question

I wanna know what your opinion is on fedex (Fitz x Dex)

So if you would be so kind

Please tell

( i wanna write a fic about them after this one so tell me if ya would reeeead )

Tam was half asleep the moment the flying paper ball of death hit him in the eye. He jolted back into a state of living, earning a few concerned looks from the prodigies seated around him and a perturbed look from his Elvin History mentor. He muttered a swear and looked around for the projectile, identifying it on the floor.

After a few moments—in which he almost considered ignoring the paper and going back to the land of half asleep—Tam scooped up the paper. Carefully unwrapping it, he read its contents.

Tam stared at the name signed underneath the note for a moment, and he sighed quietly. He was well aware he couldn't avoid Keefe forever, and he certainly didn't want to, but part of him didn't exactly enjoy the confrontational aspect. Reluctantly, the dark haired boy glanced up, immediately meeting Keefe's intent gaze a few desks down.

Do your work, Keefe
Im fine

Tam tossed the note—with a little less precision—in return back to Keefe. He watched indifferently as the blonde boy eagerly unfolded it, and Tam turned his focus away when Keefe looked at him with a pouting expression. Half a second later, Tam was thwacked in the head with the same flying paper ball of death.

Linh told me that whenever you say you're fine, you're actually not fine
since when do you expect ME to do WORK in ELVIN HISTORY ?
we need to spend more time together since you clearly do not know me well enough

Tam raised an eyebrow at Keefe, before scribbling his own message and going back and forth with the boy for a few, frustrating minutes.

Well Linh's wrong
I am fine
So please focus

How about...
Come on, lets ditch this class

Keefe. No
Im not answering you anymore

Come onnnnnn :(
I can make a diversion so we can leave
keefe bonde is back in business

Tam shook his head firmly at his boyfriend from across the room, before tucking the note safely into his pocket. He determinedly forced his eyes not to look in Keefe's direction, instead focusing on his mentor lecturing the class on something relating to the history of Elvin remedies and elixirs in the Lost Cities.

After a few moments, an ear piercing shatter sounded throughout the room, followed by a few 'what the fuck??'s by alarmed prodigies. Tam's gaze flicked over to the right of the classroom, where a mosaic window of glass was now destroyed and its composition resided in dangerously sharp shards littered across the classroom floor beneath it. A cool wind now flowed in through the gaping hole in the side of the classroom.

"What in the Lost Cities..." The mentor muttered in her almost posh voice, scurrying over to the window and manoeuvring over the shards to look out. She pushed her square rimmed glasses further up her nose, gazing out.

There was a unanimous screeching of chairs before a few dozen eager and curious prodigies gathered to the scene of the crime, gazing out of the window as well—seemingly not identifying a culprit based off of the confused expressions on their faces.

Abruptly, a firm grip clasped around Tam's wrist, snatching his attention as he was dragged up from his seat and towards the door. Tam hadn't registered the entire situation for few seconds, which was too late anyway since him and a familiar blonde boy with icy blue eyes had already slipped out of the classroom door.

"Keefe, what the fuck was that?!" Tam whispered harshly to the blonde boy when the classroom door clicked shut quietly behind them. Tam looked Keefe up and down, in which he looked to show absolutely no remorse for whatever just occurred—he was smirking, arms crossed profoundly over his chest. "You did not just smash a fucking window! How..."

"Well that's kinda true, Tammy, 'cause I didn't," Keefe replied in a teasing tone to Tam, grasping Tam's wrist again, but more gently. "Now let's go somewhere quiet, and on the way, you can tell me where bangs boi was this morning."

Tam scowled, however obediently letting Keefe drag him further down the hallway. The dark haired boy was reluctant to tell Keefe anything at all, but not because he didn't trust Keefe; because he just couldn't bare him worrying. Tam was fine, everything was fine, he wasn't stressing about anything, not the sleepover tonight, not the prom, nope, nothing.

Everything is fine.

"I was at school. Im sorry you couldn't find me," Tam responded quietly, avoiding the specifics of the question altogether. He fiddled with the hem of his shirt nervously, silver bangs falling over his eyes.

Keefe had led them both to an empty classroom, and the blonde boy opened the door for Tam expectantly. Keefe raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that so? Where exactly?"

As Tam wandered into the classroom and Keefe shut the door behind them both, he swore under his breath. Keefe had made physical contact with him, so he probably knew all about Tam's unease... worry... secretiveness... stress... tiredness... aggravation... yeah, you get the point. "I don't know... just walking around..."

Keefe stared at Tam for a few moments with an unreadable expression, running a hand through his golden waves of hair. Then, Keefe stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Tam's back and resting his head on his shoulder gently.

Tam sputtered for a moment, stumbling back a little before easing and relaxing himself. He loosely tangled his arms around Keefe's waist, sighing softly. "What are you..."

"Guilt tripping 101, Tam. That's what Im doing..." Keefe responded quietly—yet somehow with the familiar smug tone that he always had—pulling back a bit from the embrace so he could look Tam in the eyes. "Now really tell me what's wrong. And don't act like its nothing, because I know its not."

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟 (𝕂𝕒𝕞 𝕂𝕠𝕥𝕝𝕔)Where stories live. Discover now