Encounter with the Punks

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I sprint out of the store as quickly as possible, praying to God that they didn't hear the damn alarm go off

whyyy did I have to park my car so far away from the store.

Altho I am a fast runner, a vampire is still atleast 3x faster than me.

I started hearing footsteps and distant screams form what sounded like vampires.

oh shit

It was already getting dark and I was trying hard not to panic.

I was really not in the mood to get killed by some group of vampires!

I picked up my pace and I saw my car come into view.

Feet don't fail me now..

It's just about 200 meters away.

I can make it there before the vampires get me, right?

I looked behind me and there was a group of about 10-15 vampires running behind me.

I tried to shoot some of them, but they dodged the bullets. 

Aww, pickles..

I finally reached my car, but I couldn't find my keys.

I tried punching threw the glass, but it was too thick.

Just as I was about to shoot it, someone grabbed me by my waist and threw me into a building.

Thaaaats gonna leave a mark

"Ay, Bobby. Look at wat we 'ave 'ere" Said one of the Punks eyeing me like he has not eaten in weeks.

Which he probably hasn't..

"Should we eat 'er now?" Said 'Bobby'.

Some of the vampires nodded, eager to eat something, others thought that they should bring me back to their hideout.

Suddenly I heard someone yell "LET HER GO!"

The guy started running towards the group of vampires and looked like he was ready to kill them all, but they grabbed him and formed a 'circle' around us.

They started chanting "Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her!" over and over again

..and to be honest I was afraid.

They started pushing us closer and closer together until his fangs were dangerously close to my neck.

Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me...

To mine and everyones suprise, he bit the guys forearm and knocked him out.

The randon guy looked furious and started to beat the crap out the Punks until they were all unconsious or dead.

I didn't wait for him to finish and ran to my car and started it.

I looked at him from my rear view mirror and noticed that he was just staring at me, doing nothing.


I decided not to waist any time and drive away, incase he acually wants to kill me and was only being 'nice' to me so he could get all of the blood


AN - Woah, an update :O

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