Broken window

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I quickly dashed inside and locked the door. I looked around and noticed that there was a lot of dust floating around and that most of the furniture looked like it hadn't been touched in decades.

"holy smokes, I should really clean this place up before I die from dust inhalation.. Wait, is that even possible?"

well not exactly, but you could get a severe allergy attack

"oh okay. now I'm talking to myself, maybe I should have accepted the offer and went along with Pete. He did say that he had some human friends living with him."

he could be lying

"he didn't look like he was."

he could have taken acting lessons before he was turned into a vampire

"oh god, shut up!"

make me


because I said so

"you are acting like a five year old"

yeah, I am. and so are you! Did you forget that I'm you?

"...I should really go to bed"

damn right you should, you're arguing with yourself!


I headed upstairs, brushed my teeth and changed into some pajamas. I turned on the CD player in my room and put in the Fall Out Boy CD. I grabbed my dad's old journal, in which he kept notes on different monsters, demons, ghosts, spirits, how to kill them, what they exactly are etc.

I went under the covers and with Fall Out Boy still quietly playing, I started to read my dad's old journal.

Slowly, I felt my eyelids becoming heavy and just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a crash downstairs. I quickly bolted out of bed and grabbed an axe to cut the vampires head off and a lighter.

but what if it isn't a vampire? they can't get in without an invitation! shit, what if they owned the place before I 'moved' in. I mean, it was abandoned and I just decided to live here. It could have easily belonged to a vampire group... what if they are here to claim the place again?

I quietly tiptoed down the stairs, clutching the axe.

alright, I'll cut it's head off and then set the place on fire. That way they'll have to find a new place to live and that should pe pretty hard since the other groups are almost everywhere.

I reach the kitchen door and prepare myself for whatever or whoever made that sound

after I'm done with this, I'll find that Pete guy and tell him that I accept his offer.

if I survive this..

alright, 1..2..3! I push the door open and jump in while holding the axe above my head. I look around the room for signs of a life form, but the only thing I notice is the fact, that my window is broken.

I start to walk around the room to find the thing that caused this. At the corner of the room I find a brick (TIED TO ME THAT'S DRAGGING ME DOWN). It has a paper attached to it. I open it up and find the following:


if you have changed your mind about the offer to live with me and three of my friends, then meet me near the beach tomorrow at 7 o'clock. 

- Pete

well now I guess I wont have to look for him, but did he REALLY have to break my window inorder to do that?

I decided to clean the glass up tomorrow, since I'm gonna clean the rest of the house anyway. I headed back upstairs to finally get some sleep.


A/N - WOW, look! A filler :O jfc I'm horrible at this stuff

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