Fighting the Dandies

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I looked up and there was Pete with three guys standing behind him with guns and swords.

One of them had an afro, the other one had a fedora and another one had short hair with some stubble.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, sounding genuinely concerned

He was wearing a red hoodie with black faded jeans and his hair still looked like it hasn't been washed in a week.

"Just peachy!" I replied with sarcasm.

"Hey, hey no need to be sarcastic" he said while helping me up.

"Ugh whatever."

Suddenly one of the other guys with an afro comes up to Pete and says: 

"Dude, we've got to get moving if we don't want another encounter with the Dandies"

"I know.. Alice." Pete turned to me


"Are you moving in with us then?" He asked me while pouting like a three year old

"I considered it and I decided that I want to move in with you and  your friends even tho I don't know anything about you or them" I replied

He laughed and said: "sweet, where did you leave your clothes and stuff?"

"In my car, about half a mile away from here"

"Joe and Andy can drive your car to our house. You can ride with me and Pat."

"alright-" my sentence was interrupted by a satanic laughter.

"Pete, the Dandies are back!" the one with a fedora said

"What do the the Dandies want with you?" I asked them

They all looked at each other before Pete answered me:

"We encountered a few on our way here and killed most of them, but about two got away and I guess they've come back with their little 'army' for revenge"

The one with the fedora spoke again "They turned Pete into one of them by their leader - William. Pete wants serious revenge on them."

"What are we going to do?" I questioned

"We're gonna fight them, by the way I'm Andy, the one with the hat thing-"

"IT'S A FEDORA" Patrick dramatically yelled

"is Patrick and that guy is Joe" Said Andy while hanging me a gun.

We heard the satanic laughter again but louder and saw dark figures running towards us.

We took in out fighting positions and I heard Pete quietly growl "Get ready to fight, Hunters"

As the Dandies came closer Joe said "Alright, Pete! You try to take out William, Ryan and Brendon while we try to take out as many vampires as possible"

A few seconds passed and the Dandies stopped about 50 meters from us. Their leader, who I presume was named william, slowly took his glove off and raised it with his other hand. I could sense the tension building and all of his minions staring at it.

A few more seconds passed and he let the glove drop.

I guess you could say that the rest was chaos.

The vampires came at us in full speed and we all started fighting.

I could see Pete fighting with at least 7 vampires at a time, Joe and Andy were working together and I saw Patrick cornered by some female vampires and I saw them dragging him to an alley so I went after them.

I stood behind a corner and shot them all. I went up to patrick and checked if he was still breathing.

"Pat.. are you ok?" I whispered to him, kneeling down

He coughed and answered me "Yeeeeaa I'm fine. How's Pete doing? He told me that he was going to kill William"

"The last time that I saw him he was beating the shit out of some vampires, should we go and help him?" I asked while helping him up

"Let's go. It's safer around him anyway. Nobody actually wants to mess with him, but William finds it amusing"  He sighed and started walking out of the alley

I ran to him and asked "How so?" 

"The whole clan is filled with psychopaths, they find entertainment in killing and torture." He sighed again and looked down.

"That's just sick.." I quietly grunted

We found Pete looking at William, who was sitting on a car, drinking a tea.

Pete bolted towards him and jumped on the car, but all that was left of him was his coat.

I looked around and noticed that we were alone, except for the dead bodies.

Pete started pacing around and muttering to himself "I almost had him, he always does this. what a coward, he turned me into one of them and now he can't even face me.. I swear I'll find him and I'll rip his head off"

Andy and Joe walked towards us and Joe started comforting Pete, "Don't beat yourself up man! Like you said, he's a coward.. Let's just go home and sleep y'know.. we're all tired and it's not a good idea to try and find him after you killed most of his minions."

Right then I noticed how much most of my body hurts and how tired I am. I looked at myself and noticed that most of my arms were covered in blood. The cuts didn't seem deep but I felt a little lightheaded. I guess the years of training with my dad and brothers had paid off.

Pete sighed and started walking towards their car. Me and Pat followed him, while Joe and Andy went over to my car.


"hey Pete?" I whispered to him

"what?" he grunted back at me

"Do you ever wash your hair?"

Pete glared at me and the uncomfortable silence was interrupted by Patricks giggles.


AN - Alright.. first of all I'm really sorry for not updating on time - I've got exams in subjects I know nothing about and I've been having mental breakdowns every other day because of it and whatnot. Also I started watching "Soul Eater" and asdfghehfgesoldjkhijtrlkytjhaoiohmyfucksesudhyfpchjlkjdg it's so awesome so I just had to watch 10 episodes a day :P AND THE VIDEO FOR BACKSEAT SERENADE and BULLS IN THE BRONX OMFG

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