Guess who I added to the story

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AN - jfc 20 votes on the last chapter and over a 100 in total, thank you! :D

*gives pizza to everyone*


Cas walks further into the room and mumbles a reply "Hello everyone.." he takes a look at the TV and chuckles "Mario Kart? What are you, ten?"

"No! We just happen to like this particular game!" Andy childishly mumbled, focusing on trying to race past Joe and Patrick with his Yoshi kart.

Cas walked over to the couch that I was sitting on and sat on the other end of it. He took a quick glance at me and asked "What's your name? You seem really familiar."

I turned towards him and quietly replied "uhh, Alice?" making it sound more like a qestion.

" in Alice Whinchester?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I traveled along with Sam and Dean for a while but then y'know.." he traveled off and turned his gaze on the TV.

"oh yea they mentioned you a couple of times.." I traveled off just like him and stopped trying to make conversation after that.

A few minutes pass and Pete walks in the room and shoots daggers at everyone. "Can you please keep it down? It's 3pm which is like 3am for vampires." He says and then walks to the door, turns around and adds "Oh and we're out of stakes and matches. I recommend for someone to go get them before the sun goes down since I want to take Alice out tonight to see how well we've trained her" and then goes back to his room.

"If all of you don't mind, then me and Alice would go and get the stakes and matches from a former angel that I know." Cas casually says after a few moments of silence.

"Why are you gonna take Alice with you?" Joe asks without looking away from the screen.

"Because Joseph, I want to catch up with her" he replies and gets up, grabs my wrist and starts dragging me along with him.

As we get outside I could hear Patrick yell after us "Be safe and be back before five!"

"You know I can walk on my own, right?" I questioned him and hinted that I wanted him to let go of my wrist.

"Oh yeah, right, sorry.. I forgot" He let go of it and scratched his neck awkwardly "okay.. so lets go get the stakes and matches then...uh he lives near the Dandies so we'll have to be quiet."

I shrugged and said "okay."

"Would you mind waiting outside? He doesn't like bringing strangers into his house." He asked and unlocked the car and got inside.

"Fine by me.." I replied and walked over to his car and got into the passenger seat.

"Let's get going then." He said and started driving


We arrived to a small two storey house in the middle of the woods. Cas got out and before closing the door he asked me again for the 5th time "Are you sure you'll be fine?"

I groned and said "Yes! Now go!"

"Alright, alright.. There are guns in the backseat" He said and ran into the house.

After a couple moments of silence I heard a bump on my door as if someone had thrown a small rock against it.

Who the hell would be out here? It's almost 4 pm and the sun won't set for another 2 hours so it can't be a vampire.

I reached behind my back and grabbed a gun. I opened the door and slowly got out, looking around for the source of the sound. I started walking further away form the car, keeping my finger on the trigger.

I heard rustling from behind the tree right from me. I slowly walked over it and looked behind it but saw nothing. I turned around and there was a guy standing right in front of me.

Before I could even scream he put his hand over my mouth and took the gun away from me, disarmed the gun and threw it a couple of meters away from us.

"Okay I'm gonna make this quick since I don't have a lot of time and your friend is coming back soon." The stranger said urgently then added "my name is Ryan and I'm a human. I work for the Dandies and the leader - William thinks you wuld be the perfect adition to us." 

I looked at him as if he had 30 eyes and he took his hand off my mouth and then I responded "No, I'm already in a group. Besides working with the Dandies doesn't seem really great"

He sighed and asked "Who are you working with?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I'll need to tell William why I failed to bring you back with me." He mumbled and stepped away from me.

I muttered "The Hunters"

"oh them.. we'll see eachother soon again, Alice" He stated and ran away further into the woods.

I walked over to the gun, picked it up and walked back to the car. I opened the backseat door and put the gun back there, closed the door and then opened the passenger seat door and sat in.

A few moments later Cas walks out with a plastic bag and I could hear him shout "Thank you" to the guy. He got in the car and put the bag on the floor, turned to me and asked "Did anything happen while I was gone?"

I looked at him and answered "I think that cloud over there has moved a bit, but other than that.. nothing."

He laughed and said with a smirk "That's great."

The ride back to our hideout was filled with a comfortable silence.


AN - wow the time sure does go by fast when you're procrastinating :O

heh please give me ideas for the next chapter because I have no idea where I'm going with this but I really want to continue writing it...

As always please vote and/or comment because knowing that someone likes something that I do makes my day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2013 ⏰

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