Pete's a stalker

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I quickly drove my car into my garage and parked it. I took out the stuff that I bought from the passenger seat and went upstairs to put them away.

I lived in an abandoned three story house which had a garage, a garden, a kitchen etc. overall it was your normal everyday house except one of the guest bedrooms had been turned into a place where I put my weapons and I turned the garage into a place where I train (And keep the car).

Most of the times it gets really lonely, which is why I sometimes go outside just to 'talk' to some vampires. And by 'talk', I mean irritate and then kill. It's actually quite relaxing in some twisted up way.. but I guess that's what happens when you grow up with two brothers and a father who kill demons, spirits and monsters for a living.

I decided to go and take a shower since I still had dried blood in my hair and the rest of my body and clothes. I threw the clothes into the washing machine and got in the shower. After a good 30 minute hot shower, I finally got out and started to blow-dry my hair while rummaging through my closet to find something to wear.

I put on light makeup and this (in the sidebar)

I love wearing that shirt, can you guess why?

I put on some random shoes and went outside to my garden for some fresh air. I really like my garden, it has a pond there and a small island in the middle of it. On the island there is a swing set where I go sometimes just so sit and think. There is a small forest there as well. You might think that it's dangerous, but I haven't seen any vampires ar any living thing in there. I think that the vampires ate them all and went to a new place to look for food.

Suddenly I heard something from the woods. I grabbed a silver stake that I kept in the ground near the swing set in case some vampires were still around the woods.

I quietly snuck into the forest to search for the source of the noise, which might of been a very stupid idea, but I wanted to kill something since I was still a bit pissed off from earlier.

I saw someones silhouette and I noticed that he was alone so decided to go a bit closer.

"Maybe he's a human instead of a vampire because what kind of a vampire would travel alone?" I thought. I was about to say something, but he turned around and started running towards me. I clutched the stake in my hand and I was about to stake him but he grabbed my hands and pinned me against a tree.

The guy seemed oddly familiar. He was wearing a red hoodie, some black jeans and converse. His hair was styled in a way which made him look a bit emo and it also looked like it has not been washed in a week.

I noticed that the guy had fangs, but he didn't look like he was going to drink my blood and then leave me to rot here. Which was weird considering he was still pinning me to the tree.

He ripped the stake out of my hand and threw it far away. He looked at me and I wanted to start screaming, but I knew that noone could save me. After all, I haven't seen a human in weeks.

He had dark brown eyes and after about 5 minutes of him staring at me, he spoke:

"Who are you?"

I recognised him as the guy who 'saved' me earlier from the vampires.

"I'm Alice, who are you?" I asked him with caution

"I'm Pete, the guy who saved you from that group of Punks. Relax, I'm not going to hurt you." He said as he released me from his death grip.

"What do you mean by 'not going to hurt you'? You're a vampire, don't you need blood to stay alive?"

"I mean that I'm not going to kill you. And no, my friend made this kinda smoothie that's a substance for blood. And hey! You should be thankful, those vampires would have killed you in a matter of seconds."

"Umm, yeah about that, I'm sorry for running off, I just thought you were gonna kill me'"

"Once again, I don't drink blood. What are you doing here living near the woods? That's extremely dangerous y'know."

"I've got nowhere else to live and as far as I can tell, it's a lot safer than anywhere else. Plus, I'm not afraid of some vampires,my dad taught me how to kill those things"

"Oh really? It didn't seem like that back there."

"Shut up, I was caught off guard and didn't have anything to fight with!"

"Yeah sure. Look, I know that this may seem rushed, but would you like to move in with me and three of my friends? I'm sure that they would be thrilled to have another human living with us. Especially a female."

"As tempting as that sounds, I've still just met you and for all I know you could be working for the dandies or something. And I actually enjoy living here. So.. no"

"I can promise you, that I don't work for them or anyone for that matter. But ok, it's still your choice. I'll see you around, maybe we can go and kill some vampires some time."

"Yeah, maybe." I said as I watched him run off into the woods.

I started running back to my house, in case there were any more vampires out there.


A/N - god, I'm sorry for not updating in like, 400 years. But school has kept me busy, i'm sorry D:

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