About Cas

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We arrived to their house in about 20 minutes.

The house itself looked like it was built about 30 years ago, but the windows were all boarded up and the walls were covered in graffiti. It gave me an eerie feeling but it also felt welcoming.

all those hours hunting must have messed up my common sense pretty badly..

As we walked up to the door, Andy and Joe pulled up as well.

When I walked inside, I immediately started rapidly coughing.

Patrick looked at me worryingly and said: "Come with me, I have a pill that will help you get used to it."

I walked behind him until we reached the kitchen.

"Take this" he said as he handed me a small green pill and a glass of water.

After swallowing it, I felt immediately better and asked him: "What is it?"

"What's what? The pill or the smell?"


"Well, the smell is actually a gas that our friend helped us make. It's to protect us from other vampires. You see.. a vampire has a special kind of scent and other vampires can smell it from hundreds of miles away and this gas helps Pete from getting noticed." He explained to me as we started to walk towards to what I assume is the living room.

"And what about the pill?"

"Our friend gave us a couple of these. We're not exactly sure what they do... they just make you not notice the scent. Nothing else." He explained again and started to shift awkwardly away from me.

I walked walked up to him and placed both of my hands on his shoulders to attempt to calm him down. "Aaand who is this 'friend' of yours? Is he some kind of druggie because you sure do make him sound like one."

He shrugged my hands of his shoulders "You'll meet him soon enough. Tomorrow actually. That is.. if you want to y'know."

Suddenly Andy appeared behind me and said: "No, he's not a druggie. Apparently God himself has taught him these things. He used to be and angel but something happened to him. He lost his wings and now he's human. He wont tell us and we're not going to persuade him to.. YOU GOT THAT JOE?!?"

"Yes! sheesh" Shouted Joe from the other side of the room. I looked around and spotted Joe lying in a rather uncomfortable looking position on the couch in front of the TV, playing a video game with Pete.

I tuned my attention back to Pat and Andy "I think that my brothers knew an angel.. His name was Castiel or Cas for short."

Andy looked at me suspiciously and Pat asked me "Did he always wear a trenchcoat?"

"yeah, most of the time. It was beige."

They looked at eachother and simultaneously said: "It's the same guy."

I walked over to where Pete and Joe were playing video games and sat down on one of the couches.

The rest of the night was filled with eating pizza and everyone screaming at eatch other for not being able to play the game correctly.


AN - alright it's almost summer vacation and I promise that I will update more often then :)

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