Chapter 5: Experts trains students

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Dr. Jensen led the students into a candlelit room filled with crystals and burning sage. Gesturing for them to sit, she lowered herself gracefully to the floor.

"Your abilities are fueled by psychic energy from realms beyond the physical," she began. "To master control, you must learn to channel your consciousness into those realms."

The students listened intently as Dr. Jensen guided them through breathing exercises to relax and focus. Soft chanting music played in the background.

"Picture an infinite canvas of light and darkness within your minds," Dr. Jensen instructed, her voice low and soothing. "Imagine drawing energy from that source into your core."

As the group settled into calm awareness, Dr. Jensen continued. "Now, reach out psychically into the space before you. Feel your powers awaken and extend from your being like an extra limb."

Maya visualized tendrils of energy flowing from her palms. She gasped as particles in the air shimmered and swirled at her mental command. The others smiled at her success.

"Excellent, Maya! You are harmonizing your physical self with your psychic senses," Dr. Jensen praised. She moved behind Maya, gently correcting her posture.

"Remember, energy flows easily when your body is aligned and relaxed. Tension blocks its passage." Maya nodded, letting her shoulders soften.

Sophie was next, lifting scattered crystals slowly into the air with her mind. Dr. Jensen observed each student closely, providing individual guidance on breathing, posture, and mental focus techniques tailored to their unique gifts.

Alex manifested a flame in his palm, keeping it steady. Nearby, Jordan made an apple sink into and rise back out of a table, mastering intangibility.

Lori watched proudly as the students gained confidence. But inside, her own doubts lingered. Could even these powers stop two immortal killers?

Noticing Lori's furrowed brow, Dr. Jensen drifted over. "Your spirit is still troubled," she said. "What burdens you?"

Lori sighed. "I just hope we're not giving them false hope. Freddy and Jason are so powerful already..."

Dr. Jensen tilted Lori's chin up gently. "Your eyes reveal lingering trauma. Do not let fear imprison you in the past, or you give your power away."

Seeing Lori's uncertainty, she added, "The greatest hurdle is believing in yourself. Your inner light has already triumphed over darkness once before."

Lori managed a small, grateful smile. The doctor was right - she had to let go of old wounds so they could move forward.

At last, the session ended. The students looked weary but elated by their progress. "Keep practicing," Dr. Jensen urged as they prepared to leave. "Your skills will continue growing, as will your confidence."

Lori felt a spark of hope as the group left the incense-filled room together. With time and training, the students' gifts could make them a force to be reckoned with. And if they stood united, maybe old ghosts didn't stand a chance after all.

There was still a glimmer of light in Springwood worth protecting. Darkness had not yet won. Alex stared intensely at the candle flame, trying to keep it steady as he manipulated the fire psychically. Nearby, Maya lifted and rotated a series of crystals in intricate aerial patterns through concentrated thought.

They were back in Dr. Jensen's training room, practicing fine control over their abilities. But frustration was setting in.

"Ugh, I can't maintain this many objects at once," Maya complained as the crystals faltered and dropped to the floor.

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