Chapter 9: Unexpected ally

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Lori helped Alex and Sophie to their feet amidst the rubble of Elm Street, spectral allies fading around them. Freddy was vanquished, but a hulking shadow still lurked - Jason.

Lori's chest tightened. They were utterly depleted from battling Freddy, while Jason remained at full strength. How could they muster any defense as the eclipse neared totality?

As if reading her mind, Dr. Jensen rested a steadying hand on Lori's shoulder. "Have faith. We shall confront the remaining darkness together." Lori managed a weak, grateful smile. Having the doctor beside them was already turning the tide.

With Freddy gone, the street lamps flickered weakly again, casting dim halos through the mist. Lori squinted as a lone figure emerged in their glow, limping closer along the fractured pavement.

Alex ignited a defensive flame, but Lori stopped him. "Wait - look!" The tall silhouette gradually resolved into a familiar varsity jacket slung over a battered teenage frame.

"It can't be..." Sophie breathed. As one, the three sprinted across the street rubble into the arms of their friend, returned from the grave. "Jordan!" they cried in overwhelmed disbelief.

"Hey guys," Jordan croaked through joyful tears. "Miss me?" Laughing and weeping, they clutched their resurrected friend close, the circle of light restored. Lori turned questioningly towards Dr. Jensen through her own tears.

"The untimely demise of innocents leaves wounds in the fabric of life," the doctor said solemnly. "With Freddy's toxic grip severed, Jordan's stolen essence was at last freed to return."

"But how?" Lori asked, scarcely daring to hope. Gently stroking the cat in her arms, Dr. Jensen smiled mysteriously.

"The workings between worlds are complex. Even I do not understand it fully. But life craves balance above all."

Lori shook her head in awe as she embraced Jordan again. Every stolen moment with him now felt sacred. They were interrupted by excited shouts nearby - Maya was sprinting towards them down the street, supported by wispy spirits.

Kneeling, Lori hugged Maya's exhausted form close. "You have no idea how good it is to see you," she whispered hoarsely. The girl managed a tired grin. Spirits swirled around them as more lost souls were returned to the living realm with Freddy's destruction.

Dr. Jensen raised solemn eyes heavenward as rejuvenating light suffused the gathered allies and ghosts. "A window of opportunity is opening. But we must act swiftly before it passes."

Lori gripped Maya's shoulder, looking fiercely into the faces of each miraculously restored student. "You don't have to do this. You've already endured so much."

Jordan cut her off. "Are you kidding? We didn't come back just to chill on the sidelines. We've got a hockey-masked whackjob to take down." Maya and the others nodded resolutely despite their trauma.

Overcome with pride, Lori turned to Dr. Jensen. "Where do we take the fight next?" The doctor smiled knowingly.

"Where your greatest powers dwell. We must draw Jason fully out of the physical plane he clings to, into a realm beyond his control." She extended a hand into empty air. A shimmering portal swirled open, revealing a stark dreamscape beyond. Lori understood instantly.

Gripping their weapons and talismans, the reunited allies stepped through the gateway with Dr. Jensen, spirits following in their wake. As the portal sealed shut, the empty street lay still once more beneath the dying eclipse. The final confrontation was at hand.

Jason materialized from pooling shadows, scanning for his prey. Sensing a disturbance, he turned just as the rippling portal closed. Bellowing with rage, he swung his machete through empty space. They had eluded his clutches, but he would not be denied his revenge.

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