Chapter 3: Lori warns students

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Lori paced the living room, heart racing. It was time to reveal the truth to Alex, Maya, Jordan and Sophie about the dark forces that had returned to Springwood. But where to even begin? How could she make them understand the danger they were all in?

A knock at the door made her jump. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves before opening it to find the four students on her doorstep. Their bright, youthful faces stirred up bittersweet memories and strengthened Lori's resolve. She would do whatever it took to protect them from meeting the same fate as her friends years ago.

"Come in, take a seat," Lori said, motioning them inside. "Thanks for coming over. There's something important I need to discuss with you all."

The students exchanged curious glances as they settled on the couch. Lori perched on the edge of her armchair, clasping her hands tightly to keep them from shaking.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you here today," she began. "There's something happening in Springwood, something dangerous that you need to know about."

She took a deep breath before continuing. "The reason I returned here was because Freddy Krueger is back."

The name provoked no reaction from the blank-faced teens. Of course, they were too young to remember the infamous child killer who had stalked Springwood decades before.

"Freddy Krueger was a murderer who took the lives of many teens in Springwood," Lori continued. "He was eventually killed by vengeful parents. But instead of staying dead, he became a supernatural being who attacks people in their dreams."

Maya frowned skeptically. "So like a ghost haunting people's dreams? Is this some kind of Halloween prank?"

Lori shook her head. "I'm dead serious. Freddy's powers grew over time until he could cross over into the real world. He gains strength from fear and spreads chaos. I've seen him brutally murder people both in dreams and while wide awake. He's evil incarnate."

The students squirmed uncomfortably. Lori knew it sounded absurd, but she pressed on.

"I suspect Freddy has returned to Springwood. That's why there have been so many unexplained injuries and nightmares lately. We have to find a way to stop him before the fabric between dreams and reality disintegrates."

Alex held up a hand. "Hold up. How do you know about this Freddy guy in the first place?"

Lori sighed. "Because I've faced him before. When I was your age, my friends and I battled Freddy. I'm one of the only survivors."

The room went silent as her haunted words sank in. These kids had no clue the danger Springwood was in, but Lori knew all too well.

"There's more," Lori continued gravely. "I recently learned that Freddy's dark power is merging with that of Jason Voorhees."

The students looked puzzled again.

"Jason was a killer who haunted Camp Crystal Lake. He also became an unstoppable supernatural force. If their powers combine, it would unleash chaos beyond imagination."

Jordan let out an incredulous laugh. "Freddy? Jason? Come on, those are just horror movie villains!"

Sophie elbowed him, shooting Lori an apologetic look. "I think what Jordan means is, this all sounds...a bit far-fetched," she said delicately.

Frustration welled up in Lori's chest. She had to make them understand the danger!

"This isn't a joke or a movie," she insisted. "I've stared pure evil in the face. Freddy murdered my friends in cold blood. Now he's back to finish what he started, and you're all in danger!"

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