Chapter 10: Heroes regroup

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Lori sank gratefully onto the plush pillows in Dr. Jensen's sanctuary, the scent of burning herbs washing away lingering traces of the void. Nearby, Alex and Sophie sipped tea silently, too exhausted yet for words. The battle had ended in a stalemate, but at great personal cost.

Blood still seeped from Lori's collarbone where Freddy's claws had raked her. Her whole body trembled, core essence pushed to the very brink against the duo's relentless assault. She could scarcely fathom how any glimmer of strength remained to face the coming darkness.

Across the room, Maya and Jordan had fallen into mercifully dreamless sleep. Though Lori still reeled at their return, seeing them resting peacefully eased an ache in her weary soul. At least some light had pierced the shadows.

Striding in with the graceful cat at her heels, Dr. Jensen assessed them all with a healer's eye before kneeling silently beside Lori. The stillness was broken only by her gentle chanting as she cleansed and sealed their ravaged spirits with restorative light, stemming the metaphysical bleeding.

Lori managed a small but grateful smile. Even if they had not destroyed evil this night, the doctor's protective incantations had shielded their battered life force from being consumed completely. Once again, Dr. Jensen had pulled them from the brink.

At last the doctor rose, satisfied that their essential essences were stabilized. There would be much slow healing ahead. But for now, their spirits would endure.

Approaching softly, Dr. Jensen extended a simple woven bracelet to Lori. Mystical glyphs marked the woven fibers. Understanding its purpose immediately, Lori secured it around her wrist, feeling a soothing aura seep into her core.

"Wear this always," Dr. Jensen instructed. "It will fortify you in the trials ahead." Seeing Lori's unspoken question, she added gently, "As for how much more you can endure...even I cannot see. But your hearts have not failed yet."

Lori clutched the amulet to her heart as resolve kindled anew inside her. However impossible the task seemed, the doctor spoke truth - defeat only came when the light of hope was extinguished completely. And somehow, impossibly, theirs still flickered in the face of ultimate darkness.

The sound of approaching footsteps made them turn. Jordan and Maya stood in the doorway, wearing weary but determined expressions. Lori instinctively moved to stop them from aggravating their own wounds, but the doctor stilled her with a steady hand and small, approving smile.

"There is work yet to be done," Dr. Jensen pronounced solemnly. Nodding, Lori rose on unsteady feet to join them. Alex and Sophie set aside their drained mugs, exchanging silent looks of understanding. Wherever this fight led them, even unto oblivion, they would see it through together.

Side by side, the ragtag survivors descended to the sanctuary once more. Bloodied but unbroken, shaken but unbowed. The storm awaited, but this brief watch provided time to shore up their light against the oncoming darkness. Evil's victory was not assured. They would make certain of that, whatever it took.

The final confrontation lurked on the horizon. But the heroes turned their faces toward the light of dawn, and marched onward. Lori sank onto the stone steps of Dr. Jensen's sanctuary, cradling her head in her hands. The reprieve had been all too brief - already she could feel Freddy and Jason's demonic essences coalescing once more, somewhere in the dark void beyond this haven.

Alex and Sophie sat beside her, hollow-eyed and silent. Lori's chest constricted with anguish at their trauma-laden faces. They were still so young, yet had endured horrors no soul should suffer. And despite draining body and spirit to the dregs, Lori knew the battle was far from over.

At that moment, Dr. Jensen emerged serenely from the sanctuary, hands folded in front of her white robes. As always, the graceful cat trailed her footsteps. Lori envied the doctor's unshakable poise as she halted before them.

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