Chapter 14: during battle

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Lori shielded her eyes against the pulse of light erupting from the ritual dagger now planted within the nexus. The sealing rite they had sacrificed so much to enact was nearly complete! But even blinded, Lori could sense Freddy and Jason's forms coalescing nearby, drawn by the ritual's power. They had to finish this before the villains could intervene again.

Blinking away the piercing glare, Lori saw Dr. Jensen slumped nearby, rendered unconscious by their foes' first assault on the ritual. Alex was struggling to rouse the doctor as Maya and Sophie stood protectively over them both. Lori knew she had mere heartbeats alone to complete the rite before darkness ripped it all asunder.

Meticulously remembering each step, Lori began the final invocations over the gleaming dagger. She could feel its blade piercing the veil, purity flooding into Springwood's wounded heart. Lori poured every last shred of spirit she had into the blinding maelstrom, holding back encroaching darkness through fervent focus alone.

A hideous shriek split the air as Freddy manifested in a blast of acrid smoke, hacking at the streams of light seeking to ensnare him. Lori fought down terror, continuing the exacting ritual motions that were sealing his demonic essence back into nightmares. She was so close! But Freddy was nearly upon her, claws poised to strike.

Just before razor steel rent her flesh, a protective ward flashed into being, driving the demon back howling. Lori's heart swelled with gratitude toward Alex, buying her time with his gift though it drained his remaining energy. "Finish it!" he yelled desperately.

Nodding, Lori turned back to the dagger just as an unholy roar shook the chamber. Jason's hulking form lumbered from the shadows, shattering pillars and walls in uncontrolled fury as sanctifying light weakened him. But he was still strong enough to crush them all if he reached the ritual circle.

Lori's eyes desperately sought anything to halt Jason's advance. There - the rubble left by the ritual space's destruction. "Sophie, the debris!" she shouted hoarsely. Brow furrowing, Sophie gestured and the crumbled stone swirled into a cyclone, driving Jason back. But Lori glimpsed her friend's gift rapidly flagging. She was completely out of time and help.

Bowing her head in breathless focus, Lori tunneled every shred of her being into the dagger. Its luminosity grew blinding as she poured her spirit into the searing nexus within and without. Freddy and Jason's enraged bellows echoed distantly as her senses merged with cascading light. Lori surrendered wholly to its torrent...

A sound like shattering glass resounded through Lori's core. The piercing radiance suddenly winked out, leaving her swaying in darkened silence once more. Had she failed? Then the sound of birdsong and distant voices pierced the stillness - the gentle sounds of reality, flowing rightful again.

Hardly daring to believe, Lori limped to the cracked window and gazed out at Springwood's streets. Dawn's light bathed rows of tidy houses. No more did nightmares encroach upon the waking world. They had succeeded!

A weak cry drew Lori's gaze downward. Dr. Jensen was sitting up slowly, aided by Alex. Color had returned to the doctor's face, but her wise eyes were filled with sorrow. Following her gaze, Lori gasped - Maya, Jordan, and Sophie lay slumped together, their young faces finally at peace. The ritual had demanded one final sacrifice from them all.

Kneeling unsteadily, Lori embraced each fallen friend, tears flowing unchecked. They had given everything to restore Springwood's freedom. Because of their selfless bravery, the long shadow over Elm Street was finally lifting, though at agonizing cost.

Alex wrapped a steadying arm around Lori's shoulders, his own eyes bright with grief. But Lori saw flickers of solace stirring in his expression as he gazed out at their reclaimed hometown. "They didn't die in vain," he whispered. "That's all we can ask for."

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