Chapter 7: Crystal Lake

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The van's headlights cut through the mist blanketing Crystal Lake as Lori navigated the winding access road. In the back, the students sat silently, preparing for the coming confrontation with Jason on his home turf.

Lori glanced at them in the rearview mirror. "No matter what happens, stay together. Jason is lethal, but he's still only one."

Alex gave a determined nod. "We're ready this time. No more losses." Beside him, Maya squeezed Sophie's hand bracingly. They had to believe Jordan's death would be their last.

As the van reached the isolated camp shoreline, Lori cut the lights. Eerie stillness hung over the abandoned buildings. Somewhere out there, the hulking killer lurked.

"Let's go," Lori said quietly. Exiting the van, they moved stealthily through the darkness, senses alert for any sign of Jason. The only sound was the gentle lapping of water along the docks.

Reaching the main lodge, they paused to scan the surrounding woods. A snapped branch made them freeze. Alex summoned a flame in his palm, revealing a deer peering at them curiously before scampering off. They exhaled relieved breaths.

"He's out there watching us," Maya whispered. "I can feel it." She manifested her psychic armor in preparation.

Sophie nodded. "Me too. He knows we're here." They kept mobile, not lingering anywhere too long. Even the shadows seemed to track their movements.

The woods abruptly erupted with unearthly shrieks and wails. The group recoiled as ghastly faces swirled through the trees before vanishing.

"Trying to scare us off," said Lori. "Don't let him get in your heads." But the eerie cries sent chills down their spines. somewhere, Jason was toying with them.

They arrived at the decrepit camp cabin by the lake, its broken windows like gaping eye sockets. Lori shone her flashlight over the weathered walls coated in peeling paint and mildew.

"Let's check inside and—" A monstrous figure exploded from the doorway, striking Lori to the ground! Alex instantly encased it in flames until they saw it was just a fallen log.

"Nice reflexes," Maya said shakily as they helped Lori up. Jason was playing with their nerves, keeping them off-balance. They had to regain control of the situation.

Circling the cabin's perimeter, Sophie telekinetically hurled old debris into the lake while Alex ignited the piled kindling. Soon a bonfire illuminated the camp shoreline, casting flickering light over the still lake.

"There, now he can't ambush us as easily," said Sophie. Their confidence rose along with the crackling flames. For now, Jason was the hunted one.

But ripples were forming in the lake, lapping the fiery shoreline. Lori's eyes narrowed, sensing a presence in the black depths. "Get back from the water, now!"

An enormous shambling form erupted from the lake right where they'd stood! Alex blasted it with fire, but the hulking creature just kept coming. A white was Jason!

"Look out!" Maya yelled, slowing time as Jason's machete sliced the air toward Sophie's head. The blade froze just before making contact. With a combined psychic blast, the group hurled Jason backward into the lake.

"He's too strong here!" said Lori. The very woods and waters magnified Jason's power. They had to lure him onto more even ground.

"The docs, go!" ordered Alex. The group sprinted for the wooden platforms extending into the lake from shore. Jason pursued relentlessly, his monstrous frame splitting the night.

Reaching the docs' end, they turned to make a stand. As Jason barreled forward, his feet smashed right through the aged wood!

"Break it up!" yelled Sophie. Together, they telekinetically shredded the docs under Jason's feet until he plunged howling into the frigid water. But a large metal buoy was now hurtling at them like a missile!

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