Chapter 6: Freddy's nightmare realm

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Lori took a deep, steadying breath as she lay down to sleep. The students followed her lead, settling into a circle on Dr. Jensen's floor surrounded by flickering candles.

The doctor wove between them, chanting softly and anointing their foreheads with fragrant oil. "May your spirits soar unfettered," she murmured. Tonight they would consciously enter the dream realm for the first time to confront Freddy on his own territory.

Guided by Dr. Jensen's voice, they slowed their breathing and focused inward until physical awareness slipped away. Lori found herself hovering disembodied in darkness. Faces formed from the void - Alex, Maya, Sophie, and Jordan, their astral forms glowing.

Dr. Jensen's voice echoed around them. "Go forth and reclaim dominion over dreams."

Their circle rose like smoke through the shadows until the blackness ruptured suddenly into a hellish dreamscape. Rivers of lava surrounded jagged cliffs under a swirling red sky. Lori recoiled instinctively before catching herself - this was Freddy's domain, and they had to be strong.

Together, they moved as one into the pulsating nightmare land, silently rehearsing battle strategies. The red sky boiled overhead as they crept over the fractured wasteland, senses alert for any sign of Freddy.

Without warning, a geiser of lava exploded right under Alex's feet! But Maya reacted instantly, slowing time around them while Jordan generated cooling illusions around him. The group maneuvered Alex to safety before time snapped back to normal speed.

"Nice saves!" Lori said. Alex nodded gratefully.

But the terrain continued attacking relentlessly. Jagged peaks cracked open under them. Magma spewed from cliffsides. Razors of stone sliced through the air, seeking to shred their shimmering forms.

The group struggled to evade the attacks, using their powers in sync - lifting and freezing projectiles telekinetically, manipulating passageways through cliffs, and shielding each other from strikes. But the nightmare realm was weakening them quickly.

Amid the chaos, Freddy's gleeful cackle rang out. "Not bad, kids! But the real fun's just beginning." His scarred visage appeared in the swirling clouds above, then vanished just as quickly.

The landscape warped into a desert where violent winds whipped razor-sharp sand flurries at them. Maya managed to transform the sand into harmless ash, but the blast still sent them all tumbling away from each other.

Dunes erupted with snakes and scorpions, driving them apart further. Quicksand bubbled up, threatening to swallow them. Lori fought against the elements desperately, trying to reach the others. But the desert storm was an impenetrable wall dividing them.

Soon visibility was totally obscured. Lori squinted through stinging winds, barely making out phantasmal beasts lurking in the clouds of sand ready to attack. Freddy wasn't letting up.

Lori tried to summon psychic shields like the students had practiced. But her own skills were paltry compared to theirs. She had to find them before Freddy picked them off one by one!

Just then, she spotted two glowing figures in the distance - Maya and Sophie! Lori battled her way toward them through the punishing sandstorm. But before she could reunite with them, Freddy's gleeful cackle echoed once more.

"Ready or not, here I come!" His twisted form descended from the clouds, claw scraping the desert rocks menacingly as he stalked toward the students. The time had come - Freddy would not let them escape his nightmare realm unscathed.

The final showdown in the dreamscape was upon them... Freddy stalked towards Maya and Sophie through the swirling sandstorm, razors scraping together menacingly.

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