Chapter 8: Heroes prepare

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Lori gazed out the window as the sun dipped below the horizon, shrouding Springwood in shadow. Soon the eclipse would be upon them, merging Freddy and Jason's realms into an all-encompassing nightmare realm.

Alex and Sophie sat nearby, somberly cleaning the accumulated grime from their talismans. So few of them remained now for the prophesied reckoning at hand. But they could not squander this time they had earned to ready themselves, in body and spirit.

Lori turned to Dr. Jensen, who was calmly sharpening a gleaming blade etched with arcane runes. "Do you really think we're prepared for this?" Lori asked quietly.

The doctor paused, meeting her eyes. "You have all trained relentlessly and uncovered your enemies' weaknesses. But ultimately, courage cannot be measured or tested until the moment is upon you."

She lifted the ceremonial dagger, which glinted in the dying light. "I can only equip you with the physical tools. The rest lies within your hearts." Taking Lori's hand, she gently curled her fingers around the hilt.

Just then, a soft chime sounded from above. Dr. Jensen stood swiftly. "It is time. We must complete the ritual to shield your spirits for the battle ahead." Beckoning them solemnly, she led the way upstairs.

Within the ritual chamber, she directed them to stand encircling a basin of glowing incense. Soft drumming filled the air as she began chanting in an ancient tongue, circling each of them in turn.

Dipping her fingers in oil, she traced glyphs upon their foreheads and palms, infusing blessings and protection. The fragrant smoke washed over them, lifting their energies and focus.

Chanting faster now, Dr. Jensen lifted the gleaming dagger toward the heavens. With one swift motion, she drew it across her own palm, letting blood run down the blade.

"By my lifeforce, I seal thy oath," she declared, before slicing each of their palms in turn. "By thy lifeforce, swear to hold back the darkness."

Together, they held their bloody palms over the basin, letting their offering mix as they solemnly repeated the oath back to the doctor. A vibrant flare of light erupted from the basin, sealing their ritual pact before fading.

Outside, the moon slid into eclipse, as if eaten by some unseen evil. Lori met Alex and Sophie's steady gazes. "Let's go end this nightmare." Nodding, they turned toward the basement's portal chamber.

At the chamber entrance, Dr. Jensen halted them for a final blessing. "Though death's shadow looms, fear not," she urged, gazing upon each in turn. "Go with your ancestors beside you. Show what light can do."

Squaring their shoulders, the trio proceeded down the stone steps as rippling darkness swallowed the world above. This was their last chance to make a stand.

Turning back once more, Lori silently mouthed "thank you." Dr. Jensen smiled and squeezed her shoulder firmly. Then Lori stepped through the portal, not knowing if she would return.

The ritual had fortified their spirits. Jason and Freddy's elemental tools lay sheathed and waiting, to exploit any openings. Their allies who had fallen would be with them in memory. All was prepared that could be. Now fate would decide.

Steeling against the malevolent chill, Lori led Alex and Sophie toward Elm Street's ghastly heart, their last foothold of reality. The darkness swirled impatiently, eager to smother their light forever.

But the eclipse was not yet total. Dread lay thick in Lori's heart, but defiance yet flickered. Kneeling, she scooped up a handful of the empty street's dusty soil in her wounded palm.

"This realm is still ours," she declared. Alex and Sophie's eyes blazed with shared purpose. The remnants of balance and justice lived on through their pulsing hearts. And for that, they would fight with their final breath.

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