Chapter 11:surprise ambush

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The chamber trembled as Lori traced the final sigils of the ritual, steadying her shaking palms. This sacred rite was their sole chance to mend the veil between reality and nightmare before Freddy and Jason's darkness engulfed Springwood completely. Failure was unthinkable.

Eyes closed in meditative focus, Lori relied on her spatial senses alone to avoid disturbing the delicate mystical wards. One misstep could collapse the ritual's power just as it neared its zenith. Heartbeat syncing with the cadence of Dr. Jensen's invocations, Lori cleared her mind of doubt.

A thunderous impact shattered the trance-like calm. Lori's eyes flew open to see cracks racing across the protective dome over their ritual circle. Heart seizing, she realized Freddy and Jason had found them, and were battering relentlessly against the psychic barriers.

Dr. Jensen's chanting grew more feverish as she reinforced the fracturing shield. But Lori glimpsed the strain etching the doctor's face - their foes' combined might was overpowering her defenses faster than she could regenerate them.

Alex and Sophie met Lori's terrified gaze across the circle, hands still outstretched to maintain the ritual's flow. "Keep going!" Lori shouted over the spiritual assault. "I'll help Dr. Jensen!" Trusting them to continue without her, Lori withdrew from the circle and rushed to the doctor's side.

"I can't hold them off alone!" Dr. Jensen gasped out, blood now trickling from her nose with the exertion. Nodding, Lori added her remaining essence to the protective dome, feeling it solidify slightly. But she could already sense Freddy and Jason redoubling their merciless blows from the void.

A thunderous crack resounded through the chamber as a jagged fissure split across the ceiling. Lori hardly had time to shove Dr. Jensen clear before a hulking shape smashed down directly where they had stood. Heart lurching, she found herself staring up at Jason's gore-streaked machete.

Dr. Jensen swiftly encased him in binding light, but the distraction allowed Freddy to slip through the fractured shield, claws gleaming. Cackling wildly, he slashed at Alex and Maya, interrupting their parts in the ritual. Lori could only watch helplessly as the ritual's power started to collapse.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" Freddy sneered, dropping his facade of fear for sheer malice. Lori's gut twisted at the uncontrolled glee in his bulging eyes as he herded them into a corner. He wanted them to comprehend their failure and utter defeat before the end.

Lori gripped Alex and Maya tightly, silencing their panicked cries. If these were their final moments before the nightmare claimed them, she would face the darkness with courage. She met Dr. Jensen's mournful but resolute eyes across the chamber. The doctor gave an almost imperceptible nod. The battle was lost, but their spirit remained unbroken. Holding fast to that flicker of hope, Lori turned to face oblivion's jaws with defiant calm...

The end was perhaps not written just yet. But with jaws closing fast around their exhausted light, what last reserves could turn back the overwhelming dark? As eerie laughter echoed through the ritual chamber, Lori clung to Alex and Maya in wordless protection. If hope yet lingered, she could not see it. But still they breathed, and so too did their spirit... Freddy's maniacal laughter echoed through the ruined ritual chamber as Lori struggled to catch her breath. Their one hope of sealing off the nightmare realm was shattered, and now the dream demons were free to unleash oblivion upon them all.

Nearby, Dr. Jensen strained to maintain bindings around Jason, but chaotic energy from the collapsed ritual interfered with her control. With a guttural roar, Jason tore free and backhanded her to the floor.

Lori rushed to Dr. Jensen's side, helping her stand on unsteady feet. Blood streamed from the doctor's nose, her strength nearly spent just restraining one monster momentarily. And Freddy still stalked closer, claws dancing eagerly.

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