The Party

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I'm dressed in my favorite party outfit⬇️

I'm dressed in my favorite party outfit⬇️

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I put on a bold makeup

I put on a bold makeup

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Leo's outfit ⬇️

The party is now in full swing

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The party is now in full swing. I can't wait to hear the boys perform later. The caterers and the bar are amazing. The boys are getting ready to perform. I keep looking over at Leo and see him looking at me. Everytime he looks at me, my face turns red and I see him chuckle every time.

"Skyyyyyyyyyye!!!" I hear Shay calling me. I walk over to him and give him a hug. I see Domi, Brooke, Tilly, Jacob, Ivy, and Gaby all hanging together.

"Leo keeps looking at you with total heart eyes for you" I heard Gaby tell me as she gave me a hug. I get hugs from all of them.

Tilly pulls me aside to talk with me privately (she was the one who told me why Leo moved before us), "Leo has no idea we had him come early, but I'm gonna tell you. We all know that you have a crush on him. He kinda has a crush on you because Conor would show us pictures of you that you would send him when you were traveling. Leo always had heart eyes everytime he would see a picture of you," Tilly told me. I stared at her speechless and then I smiled.
CHARIEEEEEEEEEEE" I called him. He comes over to where Tilly and I are standing.

"Okay, there's something I'm planning on doing to Leo to maybe tease him.." I say blushing.

"OMG TELL ME!!!!!!" Tilly squealed and I giggled. Charlie just stands there with a smirk on his face.

The Ultimate Party and Love Story (feat. Bars and Melody, Gaby & Delilah)Where stories live. Discover now