Conor's Birthday

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Today is my brother's birthday. Leo and I get up before everyone else. We went downstairs to get breakfast made. We made french toast, pancakes, and bacon (Leo made that while I made the cake). Everyone came down to see that breakfast was made.

"Where's Skye?" Conor asked.

"She went to the restaurant kitchen to make something, she'll be back soon," Leo said. And he was right. I was back within an hour.

"Happy Birthday big bro," I said, hugging him. I hid the cake in the fridge for later. Everyone hung out around the pool and outside since that's all my brother wanted to do. It was really fun. Leo and I had so much fun in the pool. Charlie and Gaby had Delilah in one of those floaty things that she could sit in while being in the pool. We had fun hanging around playing games. We went out to dinner that night, we all took our own cars. Leo and I took his bike and I loved it. We got dinner and went to the movies (It was g since we had Delilah), but it was still really fun. I couldn't wait to give Conor my gifts. Everyone went around and gave Conor his gifts.

"Conor, I made this one for you. It took me forever to get it right and I hope you like it," I said, giving Conor my gift. He opened it and started to cry tears of joy.

"I love it!" He said bringing me into a hug. It was a sculpture of us when we were like babies. I got up and ran to get the cake. Leo came with me and brought the candles. We all sang happy birthday and by brother blew out the candles.

"This was one of the best birthdays ever," Conor thanked everyone. We eat the cake and everyone heads to bed.

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