Skye's birthday and Day after

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My eyes flutter open as I wake from a peaceful slumber. I can feel the warmth of Leo's body beside me, and I turn to face him. His lips curve into a gentle smile as he looks at me, and I can feel the love he has for me radiating from his gaze.

"Happy birthday, baby," he whispers, before leaning in to give me a slow and passionate kiss. His hands roam my body as he deepens the kiss, and I can feel the fire between us igniting.

We break away from the kiss, and he looks into my eyes. "This is the first time we've woken up together on your birthday," he says softly. "I want to make it special. I want to make sure you feel loved and cherished."

A tingle of anticipation runs through me as he kisses my neck, and I can feel my desire for him growing. He continues to kiss me softly, his hands exploring my body as his lips move down my chest.

My heart is pounding, and I can feel the heat between us intensifying. I let out a soft moan of pleasure as he moves lower, his tongue tracing circles on my inner thighs. His touches are gentle but passionate, and I'm lost in the moment.

He works his way back up to my lips, and I can feel the intensity of his desire as he looks into my eyes. My breath catches in my throat as he lowers himself into me, and I wrap my legs around his body.

The pleasure overwhelms me as we move together, and I can feel the intensity of our love as we reach the peak of our passion. We collapse into each other's arms, both of us breathless and satisfied. We walk to the bathroom so that we can shower and get ready for the day. When I'm done and ready to head downstairs, Leo picks me up and carries me bridal style down the stairs.

"There you two are," Charlie says smirking. I hide my face in Leo's chest.

"CHARLIE!!!!!!" Tillie yells, "CUT THEM SOME SLACK! It's Skye's birthday and if she and Leo want to have a romantic morning, DO NOT TEASE THEM OR I WILL THWACK YOU ON THE HEAD HARD WITH A PILLOW!!!!!" Tillie yells and Charlie backs off.

"That goes for ALL of you," Rachel adds, "If Leo and Skye want to have some romantic alone time they can, and don't tease them about it," Rachel adds.

"Skye and Leo can I talk to you?" Gaby asks. We followed her to the living room, "As you know the pool house has a big bedroom and bathroom in the back cause the front is so small, that is yours tonight. Everyone already knows not to go to the pool house once you say that's where you're going. I told them to do this'' Gaby told us. We looked at her shocked and hugged her smiling. We went back to the kitchen to see Kai making my favorite breakfast. Leo sits down on one of the chairs at the island. He can tell by the look in my eyes that I want to sit with him. He pulls me into his lap and I lean my head on his shoulder. Kai makes breakfast. By the time we're all done with breakfast it was about 12:30. We went to the living room. I was given a few small gits by my friends. Brooke ran to the kitchen with Charlie to grab the cake. They came back with a beautiful cake that was enjoyed by everyone.

"Baby," I whispered in Leo's ear, "can we have a romantic day today and tomorrow in the poolhouse bedroom?" I ask him so no one can here us. Leo kissed my head and nodded. He pulled out his phone and told Gaby that they were gonna stay there all day tomorrow as well as tonight. She nodded and responded saying that she'll let everyone know.
"Skye and I are gonna head to the poolhouse, we'll see you all later," Leo said picking me up and carrying me. We walked into the poolhouse bedroom and were shocked at the beauty. The bedroom and attached bathroom were beautiful.

When Leo and I get into the room we strip and head to take a shower in the absolutely stunning walk in shower. I turn the water on and walk in with Leo following behind me. Shortly after we stay in the shower, Leo pushed me against the wall.

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