Conor and Skye's Birthday weekend

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It's April and a Saturday, and me and Conor were sleeping. Kai wanted to throw a surprise birthday party for both us, so while Leo, Charlie, Gaby, Tilly, Brooke, Rachel, Jacob, Domi, And Shay were downstairs making breakfast for everyone, Kai wanted to inform everyone that both my and Conor's birthdays are in the same week but different days. He needs help making a surprise house party for them, but they need to keep it a secret from them. Everyone wanted to help Kai make the best birthday party for Conor and me. So they all accepted and promised not to say anything. Conor wakes up from his perfect sleep and goes downstairs for breakfast. As he's going downstairs for breakfast, he says hi to his best friend Leo who's walking upstairs to my room to give me breakfast. I woke up and had the best sleep because I was dreaming about Leo in my sleep (even with him next to me). I couldn't help but blush in my sleep over her dream. Leo came into my room to say good morning. I say good morning in reply. We kiss each other good-morning and Leo gives me the special breakfast he made for me. And with happiness I thank Leo and kiss him. Leo tells me before he leaves my room

"Me and the gang are heading to the mall, so get ready cause you're coming." Conor made it to the kitchen and said hi to everyone, and they all said hello back. Conor is having his breakfast and as he's eating, Charlie tells him that he, Shay and him are bringing him along just for a little trio hangout. Conor accepts the offer and finishes eating his breakfast. Conor goes upstairs to brush his teeth and hair and puts his shoes on. I finish eating my breakfast and get ready. The gang were following Kai's plan in keeping the birthday party a secret from both Conor and me. Both Conor and I are done getting ready, and Gaby and Tilly gave me a surprise group hug, and Leo, Charlie, and Shae give Conor a surprise bro-hug. Gaby and Tilly tell me that they're excited to go to the mall and they also tell me that I'm gonna go have some fun hangout time with Leo. I was excited, and Charlie tells Conor that he's gonna have a good time with both him and Shae.

"Conor, I'm sorry I can't make it for the bro hangout, because I'm gonna run some errands in the mall with Skye. I hope you all have a fun time," Leo tells him. Conor is excited and we all leave the mansion to the mall. Kai, Domi, Jacob, Colby, Brooke, Rachel, and Ivy set up the mansion for the big birthday party for the night. They had a baby camera set up just in case, so Brooke can keep an eye on Delilah from the kitchen. Conor, Leo, Charlie, Shae, Gaby, Tilly, and I made it to the mall and we all went in groups. Leo says he and I will go to the store to shop, and while Conor is busy with his phone, and I'm looking at which store to shop in, Leo looks at the group and winks at all of them for good luck, and we all went our separate ways. Charlie and Shae take Conor to the Arcade to play some games, and Gaby And Tilly go shopping for some new makeup products for me, and Leo and I shop in the jewelry store. Leo spoils the crap out of me because he loves me so much that wants to make me happy and buy me anything I like. Both Conor and I are not thinking it's our birthday weekend cause we think it's just some random week like always, and we think we're just having a normal fun day with the gang but we don't know what everyone is really doing or planning.

Conor, Charlie, and Shae are having a blast in the arcade, and Gaby and Tilly are looking at and loving all the makeup products they see in the store. They buy their favorite makeup products that they know I will absolutely love, and they move on to the girls clothing store. Leo buys the jewelry that I love so much and I was super happy. We move on to the dress store where I want to get some dresses. Charlie, Shae, and Conor are done with the arcade and they move on to watching a movie at the movie theater. Charlie paid for the movie tickets and Shae paid for the snacks. Conor wanted to pay, but they insisted on paying because they wanted to spoil their best friend. meanwhile, back at the mansion,

The gang are almost done with the decorations and they called all of my and Conor's school friends and all the celebrities, and music producers to come over and help out with setting up the mansion. Rachel and Brooke look at the baby camera in the kitchen and they see Delilah is awake. They bring Delilah downstairs and start taking care of her. In the mall, Charlie, Shae, and Conor are enjoying watching an action-packed movie, Gaby and Tilly are having fun buying me cool girl clothes, and Leo is having fun hanging out with me and spoiling the hell out of me. It's now afternoon and the gang is taking a quick lunch break. The movie ended and Charlie, Shae, and Conor went to the food court to meet up with everyone. Back at the mansion, the decorations are done and everyone is having a quick lunch break. All the celebrities, music beat producers, and school friends came to help out, but they all decided to join the gang in having a quick lunch break since they all had something to do themselves before they came to help. Gaby and Tilly are done shopping and Leo and I are done shopping. Leo has all the dresses I love and want, and Gaby and Tilly have all the cool casual girl clothes they think I will absolutely love. Tilly, Gaby, Leo, and I all met up with Charlie, Shae, and Conor in the food court and had a great group lunch break. We all finished with the mall and our lunch break and decided to go play some 8 pools. Back at the mansion, the whole mansion is looking great thanks to all the celebrities helping out, and they all had the food, snacks, and drinks ready to go. Everyone gets ready for the party, and one of the celebrities, producers, and school friends gets the stage and songs ready to go. Back with Conor and I, we all made it to the 8 pool place and we had a fun time playing against each other. Straight off the bat, Leo goes up against Charlie in a 8 pool match and it was hilariously intense. Gaby and Tilly record the boys playing and laughing hard and how they're going all-out on each other. It's all tied up with all pool balls potted in and all that's left is the black 8 ball. Both sides are having a hard time getting it in, but Leo manages to win leaving Charlie completely and hilariously shocked. Both had a fun game and shook hands admitting a good game and rematch next time. Next is Conor vs . We may have a strong sibling bond, but our sibling rivalry is hilariously dynamic. Both sides are tied with each side having to only put the black 8 ball in, and I win. Conor is happy for me and gives me a handshake for congrats and a good game. I jumped into Leo's arms hugging him for winning against Conor in an 8 pool match, and Leo couldn't be more proud of me. Then comes Tilly vs Gaby and both are giggling for everyone's funny reactions to them playing intensely with each other, same as always, It ends with both sides having to put the 8 pool ball in. Gaby wins but she had fun with Tilly and gave Tilly a big hug. Tilly had fun and hugs Gaby back, and they both shake hands being good sports and hoping to play again next time. Then comes Shae vs Charlie. Both sides play intensely and everyone is cheering for both sides. Both sides are tied again, but Charlie wins it. Everyone played a good game and took a group selfie together on Leo and Charlie's phone before leaving the 8 pool place to go home. It's night time, and the mansion is all set and ready to go, and everyone in the mansion is all done getting ready and ready to go. Charlie and the gang are finally home, and when we open the mansion's front doors, everyone including Shae, Leo, Charlie, Gaby, Tilly, screams surprise to both Conor and me.

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