The Week Leading up to the Party

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Ivy, Colby Brock (Ivy's boyfriend) and I just finished moving into my brother Conor, and cousin, Kai's, mansion. We had been moving our stuff from my mom's pool house (she turned it into a place for us to live for our last year of college) to the mansion. I was so happy to finally get out of there and live with my brother, cousin, and best friend for life!

*knock, knock* "Hey Sis, can I come in?" my brother asked

"Yeah come on in" I told him as I opened the door for him. Ivy and I were sitting on my bed chilling, "What's up?"

"I have some news and I know you're gonna love me for this" Conor told us.

"WHAT IS IT????!!!" I screamed in excitement.

"I know you're fans of Bars and Melody... and... well.." Conor started.

"Conor spit it out!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed

"Leo, Charlie, Gaby, Delilah, Domi, Shae, Rachel, Booke, Tilly and her BF Jacob are moving in with us." he says trying to keep a straight face.


"Oh and one more thing Skye, Leo's moving into the room to your left in 2 hours. The others will be moving in throughout the week" Conor says walking out.

"I have to go get showered and dressed!!! Bye Ivy!!!" I said as I ran to my bathroom to shower. I showered and got dressed. Ivy dutch braided my hair. I got my black ripped skinny jeans and my BamFam merch t-shirt with my pink adidas sneakers to finish the look. After about two hours I was ready to meet him.

"SKYE!! He's here!!" I hear my brother call me. I ran downstairs (Ivy was hanging out with Colby). As soon as I get to the bottom of the stairs (also right next to the elevator) I see him. I freeze with the biggest smile on my face.

"Hi, Skye right? Breathe, your brother told me a lot about you. Just breathe, okay?" Leo told me. I take a moment to breathe, I look over to see Leo and Conor doing their bro handshake. I go over and slap my brother's arm for telling Leo so much about me and then rest my hand on his arm (not realizing that Leo can see the tattoo I have of his name in cursive inside a heart half-way up my left forearm) and yell at him saying, "SERIOUSLY!!! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU EMBARRASS ME!!!!!!!" Conor just bursts out laughing. I look over to Leo and see him coming over to us. I see him looking at my arm. I go to cover my tattoo, but he catches my hand before I can cover it.

"That's a beautiful tattoo, Skye. I love the heart," Leo says with a flirtatious smirk on his face. I cover my face with my hands trying to hide the blush on my face. Leo pulls me into a hug and kisses my head before asking me to show him his room and to help him with his stuff.

After about 3 hours, all of Leo's stuff was in his room. Ivy comes over and introduces herself to Leo. The three of us talk for a while before Charlie calls Leo, Ivy and I see ourselves out. Just before I leave Leo slips a piece of paper (it has his phone number on it) into my hand with a smirk on his face as he picks the video call with Charlie.

Leo on the phone with Charlie (italics is the phone call)

Charlie: Hey bro. How was moving in?

Leo: Really good.

Charlie: I saw that smile on your face when you picked up? Spill

Leo: It's about Conor's sister. She's really sweet and beautiful. Her friend is just as nice and pretty, but there's something different about Skye. She has a tattoo of my name in cursive in a heart halfway up her forearm. She was embarrassed that Conor told me so much about her and she looks so cute when she blushes.

The Ultimate Party and Love Story (feat. Bars and Melody, Gaby & Delilah)Where stories live. Discover now