Gaby and Charlie's Wedding

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Tomorrow is Gaby and Charlie's wedding! I am so excited for them! Gaby asked me to be her maid of honor and I said yes. Rachel, Tilly, and Brooke were the other bridesmaids. Leo bought Gaby's dress, shoes, and veil as well as Charlie's tux as a wedding gift for Gaby and Charlie. The wedding was almost here and I couldn't wait for the Bachelorette party. Charlie's mom came over and stayed home with Delilah. Rachel, Tillie, Brooke, and I took Gaby out to her favorite restaurant for her part while Leo and the boys took Charlie to his favorite pool/club.

"No, No, you didn't?" Gaby said crying. I hugged her and told her that we did, "We did this for you Gaby! We love you so much and are so happy for you and Charlie," I told her. Tillie, Brooke, and Rachel all said similar things to Gaby.

"Gaby, you're my best friend and my sister, I did all of this for you! I am so happy for you and want you to have the best in life! I love you," I say, pulling her into a hug. She hugs me back and then all the girls come in and we do a group hug.

"*yawn* I'm tired" we all say in unison. We then all burst out laughing as we got in the car and headed home. When we get home the boys are there waiting. Charlie starts to come over.

"NO CHARLIE!" I yell, "You are staying in Leo's room on the couch tonight! I am staying with Gaby cause all of us girls have to get up early to get ready for the wedding," I tell him. He did as he was told. I went over and passionately kissed Leo goodnight. I was so happy to finally hit the bed (more like the couch).

"SKYE! Come here!" Gaby yelled.

"Yes," I asked, completely forgetting that Charlie's mom took Delilah home and was gonna bring her to the venue tomorrow so the girls could have a sleepover.

"Don't tell me we're having a sleepover?" Gaby asked.

"Okay, I won't" I say laughing, "I know how much you love sleepovers, so I thought it would be a good way to end the night," I say yawning.

"Thanks! And Skye, you're next to me! I want to sleep next to my sister cause that's how we've always done it when I came to visit!" Gaby says as I crawl in beside her.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP "Today's the day!!!!" I tell the girls as I grab everything and bring it to the car. When I get back inside, I see Leo waiting with my favorite coffee to go (as well as all of the other girls).

"Thanks baby," I say, kissing him.

"Anything for you, princess." Leo says, kissing my head, "Now Go! The girls are waiting." he tells me before kissing me once more as I leave.

We finally get to the venue to get ready (it's Gaby and Charlie's dream wedding location: Sherwood Country Club in LA {AUTHOR'S NOTE: (The pictures are from a different club but that's besides the point)} Gaby gasps when we pull up to the venue shocked that I was able to get this venue! (I planned the wedding). I was so happy to see her this happy. We got to the room for us all to get ready. Brooke, Tillie, Rachel and I all got ready first so that Gaby could relax before her big day. Finally Gaby was ready to go. 


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