The Day After the Party

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I wake up before Leo, snuggling in his warmth. I feel him pull him closer to me as he starts to wake up.

"Morning princess," he says to me in his sexy morning voice. I snuggle closer to him enjoying the feeling of the warmth and protection of being in his arms. I don't want to get out of bed today, I just want to snuggle with my Leo. I feel so safe in his arms and whenever he's with me. I loved how possessive he got last night, it made me feel so special.

*knock, knock* "Skye, you need to get up, it's 9:30!" Charlie calls knocking on my door. I look at Leo, then at the door, and back at Leo who has a smirk in his face.

"Jeez Charlie, give us a minute. I just woke up and want to snuggle my princess" Leo responds smirking. I blush snuggling my face into Leo's chest. I hear him chuckle and feel him rub my back.

"Okay!! Don't be too long we have a couples challenge to film for the channel today with the entire crew. Oh and Skye, Delilah's gonna be there" Charlie says as he walks downstairs.

"Did you get Leo and Skye up from their rooms?" Kai asks when Charlie gets downstairs

"Nope," Charlie says, trying not to laugh.
"Babe, What do you mean 'nope'?" Gaby asks, handing Delilah to Charlie since she was reaching toward him.

"Well..." Charlie started, "Leo AND Skye are in Skye's room" Charlie said kissing his daughter on the head. Everyone looked at each other with a look of "obviously" and started laughing that it took them this long to fall asleep together.

"Princess we need to get up, we have that challenge today." Leo said, kissing my head.

"I don't want to! I want to snuggle all day," I say to him. Leo chuckles and rubs my back.

"What if I let you wear your favorite hoodie of mine. Conor told me which one of my hoodies is your favorite and I have it." Leo says kissing up to my ear.

"YES! I want to wear that hoodie!" I say passionately kissing him. We get up and I go to my closet to pick out an outfit. Leo comes up behind me and takes out a pair of black fuzzy mid calf pajama pants and one of their merch t-shirts I have hanging in my closet. I put the outfit on and Leo picks me up bridal style and carries me to his room to give me the hoodie, then he starts walking downstairs

This hoodie

"LEO!!!" I scream laughing

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"LEO!!!" I scream laughing

"What? Am I not to carry my princess?" Leo asks, kissing me. I blush and snuggle closer to him as he carries me downstairs. When we get downstairs he sets down and then picks me up so that when we go in the kitchen my back is to everyone. We head to the kitchen for breakfast and see everyone staring at us as Leo carries me in. My face goes beat red. Leo grabs a plate of pancakes and we sit down. I go to sit on the chair between him and Shae, but Leo just keeps me on his lap. 

"Leo, what the hell? I'm not gonna do anything." Shae asked, confused.

"Shae, it's fine. I kinda like being in Leo's lap," I say quietly while blushing. I sit facing right so that no one can see my hoodie.

The Ultimate Party and Love Story (feat. Bars and Melody, Gaby & Delilah)Where stories live. Discover now