The Unbroken Lands

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"Ah, The Nimedan Empire. In a word? Boring as hell. But we wouldn't have it any other way, not after seeing what crazy junk goes on over here."
- Dakota Otskai

The Unbroken Lands was a name given to the three (or more) realms in the uttermost west of Sanctum, founded sometime in the First Age before the fall of Vitanien. The Unbroken Lands were named such because they were left alone from the trials of Sanctum, save for aiding the Keyvori in defeating Zodirion in the First Age and coming to the call of Eristar in the Fifth Age. The abyss was believed to have had no corruption here, and instead existed strange creatures and anomalies seen nowhere else in Sanctum. Some have speculated these lands of being the testing grounds of the gods before the dawning of humanity. 

The Nimedan Empire (Nimeda)

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The Nimedan Empire (Nimeda)

The Nimedan Empire was an oceanic realm in the northwest reaches of Sanctum. It was well known for being the home of Dakota of the New Moon and where he designed the famous weapon of weapons, Deus ex Machina. Dakota described the landscape as similar to the kingdom of Havenesith, at least where he was from, the Windcountry. But he said the culture was much different in Nimeda than across the ocean, there was a collectivist way of life and each town was essentially a family, both literally and figuratively. 

Nimeda was broken into three designations, the Starcountry (northern islands), Windcountry (central landmass), and the Earthcountry (southern continent). Most of the population lived in the southern two regions, and primarily on the eastern sides of the mountain ranges. This was because the climate of the Nimedan Empire, though diverse, was wrought with fierce storms from the west and left the east in a fertile rain shadow. The climate of Nimeda ranged from tundra in the north and pine forests, temperate rainforests and plantations, Mediterranean coastlands, deserts, and even jungle in the far south. In the deserts of Nimeda were said to dwell giant insects beneath the sand such as colossal worms and centipedes, and the trees, hills, and mountains could walk and shift. But one manner of beast that lived here were the dragons, and they were at peace with the Nimedans and rarely interacted, but the two races could communicate. Sometime in the early First Age the dragons migrated to the Haven Lands but it was not certain how many of them went and stayed, or why.

The capital of Nimeda City was located on the northern coast of Earthcountry and was said to hold many great stone pyramids that sat high upon a maze of waterways. Webs of bridges connected them down to the rivers where shops and houses were carved into the vertical bases of the pyramids. Some time in the First Age the three regions of Nimeda combined into an empire, and the people were great innovators and used the land to its greatest capability, seeking a utopia. Nimeda had established strong trade connections between Parnos and Trinime, but there was strained trade between the rest of the world as the Unbroken Lands wanted not to attract the anger of the abyss that had befallen their distant ancestors. Many who lived in the Unbroken Lands felt slightly superior to those of the east and refused contact and friendship numerous times, though they did come to their aid when needed.

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