Twin Tandem (weapon)

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"Melanee's boots, Twin Tandem, glow green and with almost mechanical shifting from them, a loud impact twists through and destroys the hull of the shadow."

- Crimson Assassin, "In The Trap Of A God"

Twin Tandem was the name given to the weaponized boots in Melanee Rever-Kanone's possession. Not often in Sanctum is clothing used in combat, making this weapon uniquely one with the body.

 Not often in Sanctum is clothing used in combat, making this weapon uniquely one with the body

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Twin Tandem


As a child, Melanee Rever-Kanone lived in the far reaches of Havenesith where life was unpredictable, and knights were few. To defend herself, she learned martial arts from her parents and grew to master the skills of hand to hand combat and kickboxing in her free time after school. In 728 of the Fourth Age, her training is put to the test when her hometown, Moyasu Village, is sieged by Aestagian forces in search of the New Moon. She is unable to defend herself and her brother, separated from him in the chaos. In this event, Melanee comes under the protection of the New Moon and learns their skills over the next few months. At first, Melanee would be taught to use a short sword, which she would always keep at her side, but she desired to use the abilities passed down her family line. Before departing Havenesith, Tangerine would help her with this goal and gifted her rare gems (which were actually pieces of the Vitanien Stone), which she would hold to amplify her fighting prowess. But after seeing the arsenal of the New Moon, she desired something to her own. 

A fashionista by heart, Melanee would purchase a one hundred Aurum pair of leather boots in Orogelid while travelling back to Newmoon Hollows. Tangerine certainly did not think it was the time for such a purchase, having to carry the heavy boots all the way back for Melanee. But on the trail she would infuse the gemstones inside the boots as a way of amplifying its power instead, to Tangerine's surprise, increasing her attacks tenfold. Upon returning to Newmoon Hollows, she would work with their mechanics to modify the boots further, installing retractable blades not only on the heels, but all throughout the boots. This much power flowing through such a small conduit called for some sort of exhaust method. Energy outflow nodes were placed on the bottom of the soles so that energy could be shot out of them like a shotgun, stabilizing the weapon. 

Melanee used Twin Tandem as her primary weapon, still keeping a blade on her side as well, for her time in the New Moon. After leaving the organization in Fo.A. 737, she would keep the boots in her house near Faergate, Valeon, next to the remains of Sunburst, putting them on again for yet another adventure ten years later, when Solomnent came knocking. Only after the world was united and the Fifth Age begun she would retire her weapon for good, and at that point, the integrity of the boots had begun to tear itself apart after twenty or so years. 


Twin Tandem was a pair of knee high leather boots, dark brown in color, with several straps, zippers, and laces. She would wear them over her pants. When activated, Twin Tandem would appear to glow with a light green aura that smelled like gunpowder. There were several blades that could pop out of the heels, though they would only extend on each kick, and retract as the force brought them back in so that she could stand correctly. Around five long blades could extend from near the top of the boots, turning ninety degrees and running parallel down the boots to her ankles. 

When not in combat or travelling, Melanee would not wear Twin Tandem to preserve their integrity. The boots required constant upkeep such as polishing, replacing broken mechanicals, and installing new soles, but the flow of magic did keep the base leather intact for a long time. 

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Melanee fighting with Twin Tandem

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Melanee fighting with Twin Tandem


Simply put, Twin Tandem could be used to kick you. Melanee had great flexibility, an acrobat, being able to extend her legs well above her waistline, so nowhere was safe from her reach. She could easily perform kick flurries, sweeps, backflip uppercut kicks, and much more. 

With her weaponized boots, these base attacks would be amplified in power and speed, all swirling with green light. The retractable blades added to this, turning her legs into swords. Because the boots required a frequent discharge of energy, Melanee would have to expel it from the bottom of them every so often. Thusly, she could fire energy blasts out in both short and long range, and also use its momentum to launch herself into the air. 

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