Chapter 1: Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,
I really cannot believe this but today I am 36 weeks pregnant. The time sure does fly. I am currently engaged to Jason N. He is the father of the baby. I am 25 and 6'6" and he's 25 and 6'2". We are both going on 26 later in March. Coincidentally, our birthdays are on the same day, March 30th. We are so excited to be parents. I am due on March 20, we are expecting a little girl.

We plan on naming her Opaline (pronounced Opal-leen) and her middle name will be after her two great-grandmothers, Floreen. Funny how Jason's grandmother's name is Floreen like mine. We plan on keeping her name a secret until she's born though.

We both teach at Lakewater Middle School, he teaches music and I teach art. One of our students was our foster child for quite a couple of years. We have since then adopted her. She is the sweetest, kindest, most selfless girl in the world. Her name is Esme. (Pronounced Eh-z-m-ai).

Esme is in grade 6 she's 12 years old since she was born on January 12, 1998. She can't wait to be a big sister. Esme keeps telling her friends about how excited she is, honestly, I think her friends are getting sick of hearing her talk about it nonstop all day. And honestly so am I and Jason- we love her to bits but it's all she ever talks about.

Anyway, lunch is over and I have to get back to work, bye!

-Mia Rose,

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