Chapter 3: Cat!

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Once on the road, we started to talk about the classes. We came to a red light and I slowly stopped the car. I patiently waited for the light to turn green. When it did I pressed on the gas pedal and started to drive forward in the four-way intersection.

The drive home was uneventful but we did see a cat in our neighbour's yard. The orange cat that they feed is quite used to humans and will come over to you if you call her. My dad's building a shelter for her and is bringing it over today. When I got to the steps me and Jason tugged in the package of cat supplies we ordered. We can't keep her but we can help her.

Our neighbours know of this. We asked them to start slowly moving the food closer there every day so she knows where to go.

I had bought a bed, blankets a heating lamp, food and water dishes, a litter box as well as some litter and a couple of toys. Our neighbours agreed to continue feeding her so we don't have to worry about that.

Once my dad dropped off the shelter and helped Jason put it in its spot next to our house, I bundled up nice and warm and headed outside with the box. I began by laying one of the blankets on the wood base then I placed the bed in a corner. I placed the litter box at the smaller opening and filled it with litter. I pinned a blanket above the door to block out the wind and another scrunched up in the bed. Lastly, I scattered the toys around the shelter and then went inside to get Jason to install the two cameras we had spare.

After he did that we both hooked them up to our phones so we could check in her when we wanted without scaring her. The installation didn't take long and I heated it outside with an outdoor heater and outdoor extension cord. I plugged it in then plugged in the heater and placed it in the shelter. It doesn't get hot to the touch but it warms up spaces well.

I went back inside and started a fire in our fireplace after taking off my winter gear.

"Who wants to watch a movie?" Jason said just as I sat next to Esme.

Esme jumped up with excitement. "Me!" She turned to me. "What about you Mommy?"

"Sure," I say, then I get an idea. "What if we take our two blow-up mattresses and set them up in here?"

Esme nodded in excitement.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Jason said.

Esme went and got spare blankets from out of our linen closet. Me and Jason went into the basement retrieved our air mattresses and began to set them up in the living room.

The three of us put on two fitted sheets then laid a giant blanket Esme found atop it. She then went and got her fuzzy blanket and her comforter and Jason went and got ours.

"Who wants hot chocolate and popcorn?" I yelled as I walked to the kitchen.

"I do!"


I began to pop the popcorn in the popper and I put three cups of hot chocolate in the microwave one at a time. I lined up candy canes and a small bowl of marshmallows on the counter. Then I melted some butter and poured it into the popcorn. I lined up my spice mix and some different seasonings as well. I took out the hot chocolate and set them on the counter. Esme and Jason then came into the kitchen and prepared their hot chocolates.

I then remembered that we also had cookies and I took out the package. I put a candy cane and two cookies in my hot chocolate. For my popcorn, I put in my spice mix and that's it. I set my items on my tray headed to the living room and placed my tray on the coffee table in front of me.

I turned on the TV I put on and set the remote on the coffee table. I got under my comforter and waited for Jason and Esme. We decided on a movie and got it ready.

We got comfortable and began to watch the movie. After the movie was over I took the trays and headed back into the kitchen.

"Mom, can we sleep out in the living room?"

"Not tonight Esme, we've all got school tomorrow. Maybe this Friday, we can keep it up for a while anyway. It's comfier than the couch personally."


"Now, go get ready for bed, it's 45 minutes past your bedtime."

She walked off just as I finished unloading the trays onto the counter, that's an after-school tomorrow thing for me.

I went and brushed my teeth and got changed. I tossed and turned for a few minutes then Jason came and I snuggled up with him and fell asleep.

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